View Full Version : Dvt worry!! Please help!

19-06-16, 08:47
I woke this morning with, from what I can assume, cramp in my left calf just below the knee!! I've not had cramp for years so was quite a rude awakening from the pain! It only lasted a few seconds, 10 maybe?
But now my fear has turned to DVT, and I'm now worrying myself something silly about it!! It still aches a bit and keep feeling for any warmth.... Can cramp still ache a bit after a couple of hours?
I don't know what to do so scrared 😭

19-06-16, 10:33
Muscle cramps are really common and can be caused by so many things.
Yes, your muscle can still hurt hours after a cramp.

DVT is a more extreme and long lasting pain.

Muscle cramp can be due to over exertion, dehydration, lack of magnesium or potassium, so many things. Even a side effect of a medication.

Don't worry that it's something more serious. You would be in extreme pain if it was DVT.
A muscle cramp isn't anything serious. If the muscle is still aching you can try alternating hot and cold compresses or try a nice warm bath.