View Full Version : Essential Tremors

19-06-16, 12:22
I'm not sure if this is the correct place but I just want to ask if you suffer from essential tremors?
I do and have done for many years.
having this problem makes social interaction stressful because I personally try so hard to control the trembling but It rarely works and when other people notice the trembling
I feel very embarrassed.
I shouldn't but I do...cause I feel that these tremors rob me of dignity if you get my meaning?
I would like to be able to stand up straight and look people in the eye without my body trembling and my head nodding back and forwards.
I recall several years ago I was training to be chef and part of the training involved serving customers at the till.
and so there I was serving a customer and suddenly I started having a fit and my head started nodding
and straight away I felt very embarrassed and wanted to run away and cry.
I know it sounds silly but that's how I felt at the time.
but thankfully I had the head chef beside me who was more confident and understood that I have a nervous disorder and so she took over for me and allowed me to take a bit of time to calm down.
that was in 1997 and I still have the same problem in 2016.
in fact I had a trembling fit yesterday when a friend passed round unexpectantly and I knew I would be nervous as always
and sure enough I started trembling and again I felt so embarrassed
but again like the chef he understands that its a health problem and so he didn't laugh so say something like pull yourself together man.
I know people have worse health problems which many cope reasonably well with
but I can say from personal experience that having essential tremors is in my opinion one of the worst health problems to have because you will be surprised to know difficult it can make everyday living.
such as having a conversation...I spend so much time trying to control the tremors
and so it makes focusing on the person and conversation difficult.
I should really stop trying to control and kind of say sorry but this is me
I can't control the trembling and its not a sign that I'm scared of you
its just a physical symptom which I still can't understand.
anyway I'd love to hear about your experiences with essential tremors.
how does it affect your everyday activities?
and like me is public or private conversing difficult due to the tremors?
and have you found a solution?
perhaps a breathing technique?
and one more thing do you know what causes essential tremors?
can it be genetic?
thanks for your patience.