View Full Version : Heart worries, t wave inversion, head of death

19-06-16, 16:33
So I've had this worry about my heart constantly for 3 years now.
It all started 3 years ago when I was misdiagnosed with a heart attack and was stuck on a cardiology ward for 5 days, the actual problem was gallstones, the main reason they put me there was due to t wave inversions on my ECG, an echo a few days later confirmed all was fine and it was just down to anxiety upon being brought into a hospital, since then I've had a constant fear of some heart related death, every ECG I've had has came back with inverted t waves but these just seems to be my normal, at the moment I'm suffering more with skipped heart beats which has automaticall scared me into thinking I have some form of long at syndrome or cardiomyopathy(enlarged heart).

I know no one on here can tell me everything is fine based on specific results as I've been cleared by 2 cardiologists in the past 3 years after numerous ECG tests, 1 echo, tilt table test, 24 hour ECG and all the bloods you can think of but for some reason I can't shake this massive fear of I've got something wrong with my heart because I've got the underlying t wave inversion.
I'm currently in to my 3rd session of CBT but it doesn't seem to be helping much

---------- Post added at 16:33 ---------- Previous post was at 15:54 ----------

[QUOTE=Samtattoo;1564599]So I've had this worry about my heart constantly for 3 years now.
It all started 3 years ago when I was misdiagnosed with a heart attack and was stuck on a cardiology ward for 5 days, the actual problem was gallstones, the main reason they put me there was due to t wave inversions on my ECG, an echo a few days later confirmed all was fine and it was just down to anxiety upon being brought into a hospital, since then I've had a constant fear of some heart related death, every ECG I've had has came back with inverted t waves but these just seems to be my normal, at the moment I'm suffering more with skipped heart beats which has automaticall scared me into thinking I have some form of long at syndrome or cardiomyopathy(enlarged heart).

I know no one on here can tell me everything is fine based on specific results as I've been cleared by 2 cardiologists in the past 3 years after numerous ECG tests, 1 echo, tilt table test, 24 hour ECG and all the bloods you can think of but for some reason I can't shake this massive fear of I've got something wrong with my heart because I've got the underlying t wave inversion.
I'm currently in to my 3rd session of CBT but it doesn't seem to be helping much

---------- Post added at 16:33 ---------- Previous post was at 16:33 ----------


19-06-16, 21:15
This is me! 4 years ago I had my first panic attack and called an ambulance thinking I was having a heart attck. they said i was fine and off they went. 2 days later it happened again but worse so I took myself to a&e and had an ECG. Big mistake! ECG very abnormal. t- wave inversion and st depression. Was told i would need to be admitted as it looked like i had heart disease, i was 30 at the time (forgot to mention terrible heart palps had started a few weeks prior which is was triggered the panic - never had any type of anxiety before that). Heart was racing at 170 per min for ages but would internittently come down. Was sent home told to go to gp and get urgent referral. GP wouldnt refer until I had a event monitor which had a 6 week waiting list. I was going out of mt mind! Eventually got referral, cardiologist want to see me. Told me he wanted me to do echo. Had echo and went back, he told me he wanted to do stress test. Has stress test and was ok. gave me all clear and that was that. A year later I got stabbing pain in heart went to A&E - told i was ok and to go home. Went abck to gp - he woulnt refer me again. (palps happening in runs and terrible flutter every day at this point). paid privately to see same cardiologist, did ecg again, not changed. Refered me back to to nhs for holter and ct angiogram - all ok. Me? Still think I have a cardiomyopothy, still having terrible palps, got all clear and gp not interest. Its crap but hey ho, im still alive!

19-06-16, 22:09
Yeah it's terrible, seeing my gp tomorrow, I had a stomach bug a few weeks back and my partner thought I was dehydrated so a paramedic came and did an ECG, the t waves showed again and she freaked out but I told her I had them in the past and they've been investigated but just the other night I picked up the ECG and freaked myself out all over again so going to take it with me tomorrow to see what he thinks as the flutters are doing my nut in at the minute, just desperately scared I have cardiomyopathy, I don't know why I'm not an athlete, I barely drink, I don't smoke and have never touched drugs, I'm slightly over weight and my blood pressure is on the high side of normal but for some reason I've diagnosed myself with this problem just because I've got this abnormal ECG with inverted t waves even tho I've had them for 3 years now, even had surgery to take my gallbladder out and I checked out OK for that, yet this panic comes around because that's in the back of my mind and I get these daily flutters, the past few days I've become tired and my chest feels weak, in the back of my mind I know I've gave myself these feelings as I ran up a mountain of stairs to get the a cathedral yesterday with no problems yet the other side of my mind is thinking your going to drop dead any second from cardiac arrest.
Living nightmare