View Full Version : Anything I can do today to reduce anxiety tomorrow?

19-06-16, 18:07
Tomorrow I have a meeting at work. Normally I am really bad in meetings, I get so anxious and have panic attacks and sometimes have to leave. My manager knows this and sometimes lets me skip the meetings but tomorrow's is important and I know I have to go. So I am getting quite anxious about it, more so than normal because I know that I absolutely have to go regardless of any anxiety or panic, which is obviously causing more anxiety. So, I was wondering if anyone had any tips either for anxiety in meetings, or for things to reduce my anxiety beforehand? I'm definitely going to try and make sure I get an early night tonight but I know that as soon as I wake up tomorrow, my first thought will be "how anxious do I feel???". Anyway I can avoid the catch 22 feeling anxious about feeling anxious and therefore getting more anxious etc.?


19-06-16, 21:47
Go in the meetingroom 15 minuts before the meeting. Just sit there and feel the room - it always helps me.

19-06-16, 22:36
Are you allowed to bring an ice water in with you? Sometimes having something cool to drink can be really helpful.

Another thing that can help is something to fiddle with that you would find soothing. I like cool things, so for me bringing a small chilled ice pack in would be relaxing. You could also try a paper clip, a bit of sticky tak or play doh, one of those squishy rubber balls, a stress ball, etc.

If you can choose a seat, sit near the exit. You may not want to actually leave, but sometimes just having the *option* can ease your mind.

You could also bring mints in with you or chew on gum.

I know you'll do just great. Maybe plan a good reward for yourself for getting through the meeting?

19-06-16, 23:51
Deep breathing slowly. Don't force it.
Be aware if your shoulders/neck/jaw etc are tense and and regularly relax them.

20-06-16, 05:02
First breath deep because helps you to relax and oxigenate the brain also .A tehnique used by me its to not think on my anxiety and to think that the meeting will go perfect and i will be calm with no wory and no stress i do this before meeting starts .And put a smile on your face if you can this will force brain to give you good results