View Full Version : Symptoms when not anxious?

16-03-07, 12:32
Could anyone tell me if they still get anxiety symptoms even when not feeling particularly anxious? I find that I have symptoms that come from nowhere and that I think, "well I wasn't feeling anxious, so why am I getting symptoms"?


16-03-07, 12:59
Hi, I've been diagnosed with anxiety since august, before that I was suffering from symptoms that had me running to the docs weekly for about a year. I am now undergoing CBT which is helping slowly!!

Anyway the point being I regularly feel absolutely fine then will have missed heartbeat or sudden wierd feeling in chest / lungs or can't breathe for no reason at all!!! In fact as i write I am trying to convinve myself that the wierd skippy feeling in my chest is just panic. I was totally fine at work, feeling pretty good and bang off it went! leading onto shakiness, wierd breathing, feeling sick, floaters inf ront of eyes, very slightly elevated heart rate.... all the fun things that go with anxiety!!

My CBT lady said that its a a big circle, any you can start anywhere in the cycle, sometimes it will be a thought, for me its eaither too much to do, money, work, friends, weather... but often now its a feeling somehwere in my body, so I start to panic from there!! And that point leads to the unpleasant thoughts and it escalates.

Sorry I'm rambling a bit, still feeling a bit adrenaline rushed! my point is I'm sure you'll get loads of replies telling you the same thing.... and if you are anything like me knowing that will help!!


16-03-07, 13:03
floaters inf ront of eyes, very slightly elevated heart rate.... all the fun things that go with anxiety!!

hi thanks a lot for the reply. Its really interesting and reassuring that you mentioned about "floaters in front of the eyes" This has been driving me crazy for a few months now. So am wondering if its is anxiety? Have had eyes checked and all ok.

16-03-07, 13:09
Hi Sarahby
Yes definately it always happens to me .A typical example: I was asleep and woke up with a racing heart and sweating and shaking.I could be at work and all of a sudden it will come out of no where hot flushes or tension headaches,my arm gets lame,my face gets shooting pains or something terrible so I would say its normal.My psycologist said that you can be carm at this moment but it like delayed reaction (he actually explained the whole process but thats all I can remember Lol) I hope you feel better soon love

16-03-07, 13:13
so do you get the floaters alot? even when not feeling particuarly anxious? hope you feel better soon. thanks for reply x

16-03-07, 13:25
yeah I notice them fairly regularly.... but its pretty much when something else is off as well, although I do notice them alot when I'm driving... esp if im on a back road with lots of sky... i think i just don't always notice!!..... am actually calming down quicker these days... so they tend to go.... I'm at the opticians tomorrow and was going to ask them about floaters anyway!! seeing as I'm there!!

I only just found out today by browsing this site that floaters can be anxiety related I'd always just put them down to dodgy eyes!! I had in bad moments convinced myself they were from high blood pressure (Which idon't have!) or a bleed on the brain or something else horrible and nasty!!

I have only rejoined today ( I had joined in summer... but moved and thought I didn't need extra support.... slightly wrong!!) but I'm very relieved to find people with other symptoms... makes me realise that if none of them die why should i!! esp seeing as heart problems in otherwise healthy 26yr olds is very rare!

16-03-07, 14:27
Hi there,

Just to reassure you all, i'm on meds for my anxiety at the moment and I still get symptoms coming out of nowhere. They can range from floaters to really bad palpitations etc. I'm sure though one day that we will be free from this awful cycle and this site definately helps.

Take care

shirley xx

17-03-07, 15:27
thanks for the replies. Really am surprised that floaters are down to anxiety too! How odd!

17-03-07, 19:18
Hi Sarahby,

Yes I get an unpleasant lump, tight/dry feeling in my throat when I'm not feeling anxious and it drives me round the bend lol! I get this feeling when I'm anxious too but it's really annoying when it comes out of the blue. I get floaters and I believe they're very common but I've never heard them being associated with anxiety.

Take care,

17-03-07, 19:22
Mine came on suddenly just sitting on my computer its so weird coz I dont feel anxious about ANYTHING right now.......I wish I could get rid of this.

18-03-07, 02:43

Im not a doctor or nurse but I have them all the time when not feeling anxious.I have a nurse friend that told me one day I was feeling anxious and thats what was causing me to be having symptoms I told her there was no way that I could be anxious I didnt feel anxious but she told me that people have anxiety attacks and anxiety alot of times when not particually feeling anxious..Yes it can happen..Speaking with her and her talking to me almost on a daily basis yes she assures me it happens all the time.. So hope this helps..

18-03-07, 04:02
i get that all the time.. its so weird and i hate it. like, i'll be in school and i'll be all good but i'll get light headed.. or my stomach will start to hurt or my heart will start to go... and im like 'dude, stop.. im not doing anything.' i wonder why that happens?

18-03-07, 10:23
I have floaters too and went to get my eyes tested because of it, of course I had convinced myself that I was going to go blind and never see my children againg!!! Anyway the optician put drops in and had a good look at the retina and said they were fine, and floaters are normal and you quite often notice them for no reason at all the mind learns to forget they are there usually. They are more noticeable when looking at a white background or blue sky for example. I find they get in the way when I'm reading.

18-03-07, 12:32
Thanks MIke, yeah that was always a thing I thought about, why get these symptoms when not even feeling particularly anxious? I dont have many panic attacks but am pretty anxious most of time so sometime we can get symptoms when not even realising obviously ...

18-03-07, 13:16
Floaters have got nothing to do with anxiety. Everyone gets floaters. There is a thin layer of cells that cover the inn side of the eye ball. As we age these cells break down and 'float' in the fluid inside in the eye ball.

Panic attacks may seem like they come out of the blue sometimes but this is only because the adrenaline that causes a panic attack can be contained chemically in the body long after the stress has long gone. Usually once we feel relaxed and become distracted with something else the body automatically tries to rid it self of these excess chemicals. But obviously sometimes it doesn't. You may find that these 'out of the blue' attacks come when you are feeling particularly tired or watching tv (artificial light and lack of sleep can sometimes trigger a panic attack). Also drink plenty of water. This helps the body get rid of these excess chemicals and helps lessen the strength of the next one.

19-03-07, 11:04
I had a 10 second attack or surge of adrenaline this morning whilst half asleep, it woke me up for about 5 minutes then I fell off to sleep again. So odd. I'm getting them more frequently now

20-03-07, 11:58
Thanks for all of the replies. good to know im not alone !