View Full Version : Introducing myself, hello

19-06-16, 23:30
Hello, im 17 years old, a few months away from being 18. I was diagnosed with depression, OCD and a social anxiety disorder a couple of years ago but I've been suffering with the anxiety mainly since I was young. I was referred to cahms (which is UK government funded mental health help for young people if you're not from England) when I was about 11 and it was crap and my mum thought I was coping so I discontinued treatment. A few years later the depression set in and im ashamed to say that I was self harming at 14/15. My mum found out and I was sent to a CBT therapist who was really good (and quite expensive), thats when I was diagnosed and put on fluoxetine. A year or so ago I stopped seeing her because she thought I was ready and a few months after that I stopped taking fluoxetine because I thought it was making me dizzy. After some investigation I found this "dizziness" to be an unreal anxiety symptom thing that had gradually gotten worse, which sucks because im unmediated and dont see a therapist anymore so im kinda struggling, thats why I signed up; I have been reading these threads for years but felt weird signing up but here I am. Im at school in sixthform, I have a job as a receptionist (which shows the therapy worked for my social anxiety) and I've recently started driving and I am bricking it, im at that point where I have to start thinking about uni and the future and I cant even drive myself to school because of the unreal feeling and the anxiety. To be honest its so tiring and im quite young so it gets me down, not to mention that mental illness is still somewhat misunderstood by family and professionals alike so its tough to know what to do and my morale is getting low, I thought maybe speaking to like minded people and helping however I can would help me feel a bit better perhaps.
Looking forward to meeting new people x

19-06-16, 23:36
Hiya JJean and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

21-06-16, 12:57
It's nice to know that there are other young adults on this forum!
I have to admit, before I started having panic attacks I was fully signed up to the idea that all people suffering with social anxiety were just weirdos who couldn't spell and needed to get out of the house more... now I know that that couldn't be further from the truth!
Well done on managing to hold down your job as a receptionist: I know that sometimes when you're having a 'good' period, your friends/family can believe that you're fully 'cured' so when the anxiety comes back or you just have a minor blip it can feel overwhelming, because you don't want to dissapoint them.
I'm in a similar situation: I've just finished my A-Levels and I have an offer to go to Sheffield uni, but the thought of moving out and leaving home terrifies me and keeps haunting my thoughts. Now my exams are over my family want me to go and get a summer job again. I agree with them: I need the money, but at the moment the thought terrifies me.
Anyway, just thought I'd come and say hello!
Good luck with everything. xx

21-06-16, 17:00
Hi JJean. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.