View Full Version : Beginning 5th week into cit

20-06-16, 09:50
So today is day 28 on cit. Everyone Going on about the 6-8 week mark for cit to finally make a difference. Feeling positive that these tablets are going to be life changing.

20-06-16, 10:25
Hi andy I'm now on week 6 I'm feeling loads better than I was but still have a way to go I think the key is too not keep track of getting better just let it come naturally and the day will come when you realise hang on I haven't had any anxiety for a week. Everybody's different and has different lifestyles so where someone can feel better in a months others may take longer. Try not to focus on getting better I did at first and I felt like I never would now after the week I had last week with hospitals and crisis teams I no that I will get better and it takes time I'm learning to take each day at a time if I have a bad day I just get up and carry on as normal do the things I would do on a good day it takes time but you will get there were still in the early stages but remember we will beat it
Hope this makes sense
Take care becky x

20-06-16, 14:44
Becky that is def the right attitude.. regardless off how rubbish you feel just carry on doing the same things. I have just read the book At last a life by Paul David and he tells you to just carry on let it do whatever but dont give it the time of day.. that in mind i have had the best weekend yet.. the anxiety was there a little but i just told it to do one and managed to carry on.. in fact at times it wasnt even on my mind.. Yipeee. i know its easier said than done but ive done it and it felt great!! xx

20-06-16, 17:59
Polly I got my encouragement form a life at last although the I suffer more with the thoughts at the moment I'm learning to just carry on as I no thoughts are not my actions and not my true self it is hard sometimes you think why me but I have children to think about and a family. I fear everything and I'm trying to face my fears I've seen 3 professionals in mental health and they have all said I'm no risk to myself which gives me confidence but sometimes I go back to letting the thoughts get me but I just thinks there thoughts let them go amd carry on. I'm so much stronger this time round and I no I will beat this. This time last week I was in hospital seeing a psychiatric nurse and I was a mess this week I have the reassurance of them that I'm brave strong and have the rest of my life in front of me. Xx
Take care becky

20-06-16, 20:15
That great news that you are feeling much better than last week. The book is great.. yeah keep strong and focused. We can beat this!! its so draining but i wont let it grind me down anymore.. its taken 3 years from me,, not anymore GRRRRRRRRRRRR!! Hugs x

20-06-16, 21:02
I've suffered for 10 years on and off really does drain you but life goes on we can sit and dwell or live the life we've been given xx