View Full Version : My anxiety is trying to kill me at night in my bed.

20-06-16, 13:11

Long term sufferer here.

Recently, I have been under a lot of stress, which is what Im trying to put my symptoms down to.

For the last few weeks, every time, as Im falling asleep, I feel like Im falling, dizzy and my heart is stopping.

I have to gasp for breath, or jump out of my bed, to get my heart beating properly again.

Ive also been having random crazy dizzy spells. Ive just had one while being on the computer.

I know my GP will say, "it's just anxiety", but I always wonder if there is something sinister going on.

"It's just anxiety" seems to be a blanket cover for so many things.

20-06-16, 14:24
What you're experiencing is very common with anxiety, and describes my own experiences almost exactly.

Considering you have admittedly been under a lot of stress, I would take your GP's advice that it's down to anxiety and try not to look into it in any greater detail.

As for the dizziness, I often experience that too, especially when sat at the computer. With me it's muscular tension around the neck/shoulder area. It's made worse if I look down.

20-06-16, 14:28
I get EXACTLY the same.............especially if tired

20-06-16, 14:31
Thanks guys,

It's so horrible. Ive been relatively free from my anxiety until now.

Im worried Im going to fall in the trap of, should I go out, just incase it happens again.


20-06-16, 14:37
Do you eventually fall to sleep?

20-06-16, 14:43

Yes, I do, but Im so anxious i will feel weird again.

I feel like my body is giving up.x

20-06-16, 14:48
try to get regular sleep and enough sleep.

If it happens again, and it most probably will in all honesty , just know that it's normal for you and will not kill you. (Obviously see your GP if worried)

I think it's your body relaxing after a stressful day and maybe being too tired also. The body has to unwind and the brain sometimes makes mistakes with people like us. Nerves calming strangely until you fall asleep.

I always fall asleep eventually usually. Worrying makes you far worse.

In the Summer I get this more too.

20-06-16, 14:49
Thank you for your kind words.

I hope youre OK too.


20-06-16, 14:52

20-06-16, 14:57
For the last few weeks, every time, as Im falling asleep, I feel like Im falling, dizzy and my heart is stopping.

I have to gasp for breath, or jump out of my bed, to get my heart beating properly again.

Hey i too have had many weird sensations as i am falling to sleep recently, and i too have been under a lot of stress. Not exactly like yours but i can a strange surge through my chest and head as i'm about to fall asleep that makes me jump up, also feel like i've stopped breathing completely, i really do think it's anxiety and stress related x

21-06-16, 09:03

To continue my worry, I have a Fitbit and it records my heart rate.

Ive noticed that my heart rate when asleep gets down to 50 heart beats a minute. Is this low?

This just fuels my worry that my heart will stop.....

21-06-16, 09:40

To continue my worry, I have a Fitbit and it records my heart rate.

Ive noticed that my heart rate when asleep gets down to 50 heart beats a minute. Is this low?

This just fuels my worry that my heart will stop.....

You really should get rid of the Fitbit! I've been having heart worries on and off these past months with my anxiety and I NEARLY ordered myself a Fitbit but then decided it may do more harm than good.

The past few days I've had a bit of a relapse and have had the feelings like my heart will stop if I go to sleep but logic tells me that is highly unlikely.

I also have strange sensations when falling asleep and these are worse when the anxiety is worse which makes it a bit of a vicious cycle as no sleep means worse anxiety which means no sleep and so on.

Take the Fitbit off!

21-06-16, 09:48

I know I should get rid of it.

My HR was down to 47 last night......

21-06-16, 09:50

I know I should get rid of it.

My HR was down to 47 last night......

But you are still alive! Maybe it's normal for our hearts to go really low when we sleep. It surely means your body is relaxed?

And maybe the device isn't completely accurate?

The Fitbit would do my head in I think. Definitely don;t wear it when you go to bed.