View Full Version : Back/ abdominal pain.. So scared its cancer

20-06-16, 16:37
Hey everyone. I'm posting on here because I need some reassurance. I've suffered with health anxiety since I was REALLY young after my grandad suddenly died of a heart attack and I've been off and on since and am on medication since I was 17. I am now 23.

I had a bad bout of health anxiety last year where I would not come out of bed cos I was convinced I was dying. I finally felt better after months of hell but obviously as you anxiety sufferers know we're never 100% okay. I also have had a pain under my left rib on and off for a year and 4 months which myself and the doctors put down to ibs cos my constant stressed state. So anyway I was better for about a year but about 5 weeks ago I suffered a miscarriage... I suddenly bled out heavily and had to go to a and e where it was so bad. I never even knew I was pregnant with my partners baby but I was which was a shock. I nearly fainted where I was panicking so much, it was the scariest thing I've ever been through I thought I was ganna die of blood loss. Anyway when we went a and e they asked to take blood tests ... I said I didn't want to and discharged myself as I was so scared of what the results would be. Anyway luckily the bleeding stopped and I was okay. Anyway a week later I started noticing and analysing the sharp pain under my left rib and I had also noticed and realised that for the past few months I'd been having sharp back pains near my ribs mainly on the left side but sometimes in the right. Now I hadn't really thought about this in the past and just put it down to wear and tear but since I had that scare I am petrified and I mean PETRIFIED its pancreatic cancer which has started to spread all over my back. Either that or Cirrohsis as I have had a constant dull ache in and off in my mid upper abdomen and sharp pains in my right upper back for about a year. I have been a heavy drinker and by that I mean a bottle to a bottle and a half of wine every night for 4 and a half years .. Fortunately since I had that scare and I point blank refused to have blood tests (cos I was scared to see the damage id done to my liver) I decided I NEEDED to stop so I have drank twice in 3 weeks which is a big thing for me. I'm going to go another 3 weeks completely sober. I've also changed my diet, lost half a stone and been taking liver tablets. I just feel like my body is riddled in cancer or its giving up due to Cirrohsis. I went to the doctors 3 days ago and told him and he said I was too young for anything sinister and said people who drink a lot get alcoholic gastritis which the pains could well be. Can someone please tell me if they've had pains like this in the past and what it was? And has anyone drank this much and their livers been fine? Please reply I'm losing my mind. Every time I move I have sharp pains and I feel like it's a tumour pressing in my nerves :( if I had this under my rib for a year and a half would I have been a lot more I'll by now? Or could cancer only just start to spread ? :( please help I feel sick as soon as I wake up and my heart races where I'm scared to move!!
Rhianna xxx

---------- Post added at 16:37 ---------- Previous post was at 15:13 ----------

Anyone? :(

20-06-16, 21:19
I get a lot of pain from trapped gas when my IBS flares up. And it hurts in my back too. I very often get pain in my lower abdomen right hand side, but the pain moves around and is sometimes just below my ribs or even up in my chest and middle of my back.

You're allowing your anxious mind to imagine tumors and other dreaded diseases which is adding fuel to your anxiety and making the pain much worse than it actually is.

You can buy IBS medication over the counter at the pharmacy, it really helps with trapped wind and pain. Why not try that first. And try to get your anxiety under control which will help to ease your symptoms .

20-06-16, 22:47
Aww thank you I just find it so hard to believe that ibs can cause upper abdominal pain, but I am literally gassy alllll the time :/ and I feel an urgency to go to the toilet after I've eaten! Sorry for the details lol. Does your back hurt when you move? Or does that sound more muscular to you? Xxx