View Full Version : Bladder weakness

20-06-16, 18:11
For the last year I have had a problem with bladder weakness. For a while I just ignored it but it has got gradually worse. When I am out I often feel the urge to urinate even if I have just gone a short time before and I also feel the urge to urinate much more often than I used to. I went to the doctor but they weren't very helpful. I was tested for a bladder infection which came back negative and they suggested that I try something called bladder training. I am
thinking about going back to the doctor.

Has anyone else here experienced this problem and can suggest how I can go about dealing with it?


22-06-16, 19:40
Hi, I find when my anxiety is at its peak that the urge to urinate comes on really fast and the feeling of not being able to hold it in for like less than a minute, when normally I could hold it no problem..its weird

26-06-16, 01:37
I experience this. Anxiety can be the cause of it, but also have you tried looking at things like caffeine/alcohol? I am waiting for an app at the bladder training clinic, but ive changed my teabags to decaffeinated and its helped x

26-06-16, 11:27
If I'm having a particularly anxious day I will often pee every 30-45 minutes. Even then I sometimes feel like I need to go 10 minutes after the last one!

I do tend to sip on water when I'm having one of those days though, perhaps you're doing the same?