View Full Version : Sun burn and skin cancer?

21-06-16, 03:51
I'm some what freaking out here. I got two sun burns on my back and shoulders within about a month (maybe a little bit more) and now I'm very afraid of devolping skin cancer. I just got this one today and there are no blisters and no strange moles but Im still very afraid of them appearing a week or so later. It doesn't help that just last night I had a dream I was diagnosed with cancer, so this just just feeds on to my fear. Ive been looking at my sun burn in the mirror for about 30 minuets now trying to find something.

21-06-16, 14:01
As a child I had several sunburns. Blisters, nauseau, the works!

Then to top it all, I have light skin and trillions of freckles. I go yearly for a check up and every year my beloved dermatologist cuts out a mole or three. So far I had 13 removed.

I think, if you are scared for skin cancer, then having a yearly cancer scan is not a bad idea. My medical aid does not cover it for me because I am under 35, but I gladly pay for my own good health.

Perhaps wait until after summer and then see a Dr.?

22-06-16, 00:34
A couple of sun burns are very unlikely too cause skin cancer, its not like you are sitting out in the sun 24/7 burning to get a tan etc. Sometimes it is hard to avoid getting burnt in the summer months if we are out and about and wearing summer clothes. Like LeFi_81 said it is always worth getting a yearly check up to put your mind at rest.

Just protect your skin and current moles with sun cream.

22-06-16, 02:42
How old are you? Have you been in the sun everyday for 40 years?

22-06-16, 03:25
Lol I'm only 17 and I only get burns on my shoulders really. Just been a bit anxious lately and this just added onto it all.

22-06-16, 04:42
You will be fine, Nick.

If skin cancer was developed that easily, many more millions would have it. We would need some seriously strong warnings about covering up rather than the advice we get now.

My dad developed a form of skin cancer. He was mid-late 60's at the time. He developed a form known to occur in higher numbers in those exposed to the sun due to their occupations and the consultant stressed it was very common and very treatable. This was over 5 years ago now and he is fine. He had worked outdoors for the best part of 40 years up to days a week and up to 10 hours a day. He had been retired several years before he had his form of skin cancer.

See what we are saying? Lots & lots of prolonged exposure in my dad's case and even then it never happened until years later for him. I used to go in sunbeds a couple of times a week fotr a couple of years in my earlier twenties and I'm fine at 40.

22-06-16, 04:54
A couple burns, i think your ok . Just try to where sunscreen from now on. Take a deep breath.

22-06-16, 16:28
Nick - Do me a favor - just go out an be 17, man.

You sound like a great kid. One thing I've noticed about people with anxiety issues...generally they are very nice people. Don't forget chicks love nice.:)

23-06-16, 02:47
I appreciate all the kind replies, but what the sunburn did give me was something called "Hells itch" and oh boy is this a real pain lol. It made me want to cry but some benadryl and an hour later I feel a lot better. Once again thanks for the replies!

23-06-16, 06:29
was something called "Hells itch" and oh boy is this a real pain lol.

Sounds bad, what's that? :ohmy: A major need to scratch it red roar?

23-06-16, 06:37
It's this unending itch like no other before. It's not the only bit of my troubles now. The antihistamine pills I took seem to have made me extremely anxious and made me feel very disconnected. Just about ready to cry here

23-06-16, 07:34
Ah, right. Some cooling aftersun lotion helps with that. Aloe Vera is good too as it helps get moisture back in.

It could be a side effect of the antihistamine if it's a drowsy one. And maybe the anxiety is your response to feeling strangely spaced out due to feeling it is similar to the DP/DR you have experienced in the past?

The antihistamine effects will pass soon. Try to calm yourself (do some breathing exercises) and see if it passes. Such meds can have a short half life so it won't keep you feeling like that too long I would imagine so it doesn't mean the prolonged DP/DR sessions like with just anxiety.

23-06-16, 16:19
Heh, you're right about the antihistamine. The feeling was short lived (thank god) but look up "Hells itch" you'll understand than xD. Aloe Vera only made the itch intensify. A boiling hot shower as weird as it sounds did wonders for it.

23-06-16, 19:39
When I was a young lad Hells Itch wss something else...and it was a lot lower!:D

---------- Post added at 18:39 ---------- Previous post was at 18:32 ----------

It's this unending itch like no other befor. e. It's not the only bit of my troubles now. The antihistamine pills I took seem to have made me extremely anxious and made me feel very disconnected. Just about ready to cry here

Im sorry to hear that. Believe me what you are feeling is temporary. It's also quite common in your age group - an unpleasant but not an unnatural feeling. You are growing up and your testosterone is beginning to churn. That can cause all sorts of emotions in a young man. So hang in there. You're absolutely going to get through this.


25-06-16, 08:30
When I was a young lad Hells Itch wss something else...and it was a lot lower!:D

---------- Post added at 18:39 ---------- Previous post was at 18:32 ----------

Im sorry to hear that. Believe me what you are feeling is temporary. It's also quite common in your age group - an unpleasant but not an unnatural feeling. You are growing up and your testosterone is beginning to churn. That can cause all sorts of emotions in a young man. So hang in there. You're absolutely going to get through this.


I appreciate the kind replies, Noivous, anxiety and DP are slowly going away and I can at least say I know what normal feels like again.