View Full Version : How long before you feel normal again?

21-06-16, 11:28
I know everyone is different, but how long was it after your first anxiety attack that you began to feel normal again once you had started meds?

21-06-16, 17:55
I was starting to improve within three weeks of starting. If I'd known what I know now, it would have been quicker than that. Never underestimate the benefit of experience (and hindsight!).

21-06-16, 19:18
Thanks Adam. I guess I will just have to keep plodding on and let more time go by.

21-06-16, 21:30
In the early stages of anxiety, the hardest part is accepting that things may not improve overnight (although they can, of course). Anxiety feels real and immediate, like something is going to strike you down any minute now. Looking ahead to a point weeks or months ahead seems inconceivable, terrifying, impossible. But with every day you get through, that's further proof the anxiety is NOT immediate. Don't listen to its lies. You can play the long game. If you can put up with someone calling you names, you can scope with anxiety. Anxiety is a liar. It isn't right just because it shouts the loudest.