View Full Version : Recognizing HA or Real Problems in Loved ones--stomach issue

21-06-16, 16:14
So my wife has been having months of acid reflux, and eventually omeprazole quit working for her. She is more of an anxious person than she thought she was, and is experiencing some stress from personal family issues.

That said, the last couple of nights she has been having stomach pain, to the point where she is a bit worried about it, and of course it triggered me. It woke her up a couple of nights ago, and of course it freaked me out, especially when she admitted she was a little worried.

I am not sure she will go to the doctor, I would go right away, but she seems hesitant.

Do you guys recognize HA or anxiety in your loved ones?

Also, even though I have suffered with and been dealing with anxiety for decades, oddly I have never had digestive issues. Is stomach pain like this part and parcel for anxiety? Should I be worried? Have you been awakened with stomach pain from your anxiety?

21-06-16, 19:48
It would be sensible for your wife to see the Dr because the Dr would want to rule out things that could cause the pain like ulcers and inflamed oesphagus from acid reflux. Your wife has a genuine medical problem with the acid reflux and although anxiety can make acid reflux worse its always sensible to rule out physical reasons as well.

This does not mean there is anything seriously wrong with your wife just that any Dr would want her to see them with new symptom from an existing diagnosed health issue.