View Full Version : Another newbie....

06-10-04, 14:35
Hi all,
Im baz and ive had problems with anxiety for a few years now.
My firt panic attack happened at work around 4 years ago, I was sitting at my desk feeling strange when the light headedness and racing heart first happened. it scared the s#@t out of me and i ended up sitting in a toilet cubicle for an hour or so before going home in a taxi.
I ended up being off work for 4 weeks but found it dificult getting back to work as kept having panic attacks on the train. I eventually made it into work one day and from then was ok for about 9 months when it returned out of the blue. Same old thing had another 4 weeks off and had to keep getting off the train most mornings.
Anyways, got made redundant about 2 1/2 years ago and to be honest i was quite relieved.

Things have changed quite a bit since then, i no longer feel dizzy and sick (well not as much) but i have a real problem going anywhere. Im ok if i can walk but catching a bus or going in a car is a nightmare.
If i have to go out i will feel ill at the thought of it and usually work myself up into such a state that its a certainty that ill have a panic attack. At the moment the worst thing is that i feel like i need to use the toilet desperately. no sooner am i in a car and it starts. Im off to spain next saturday and im dreading the drive to the airport as it will take about an hour, just feels like im trapped for an hour with no escape if i need it. Ive done it before and the feeling of elation when we get to the airport is great, well untill im sat on the plane and the seatbelt signs are on which means the toilets cant be used.

Ive seen my GP many times and he has prescribed the usual propranolol and paroxetine but at the moment feels i dont need any medicine so has stopped them.
Ive also asked to be refered on a few occasions but he just says that he thinks im not the "sort" of person to be on drugs for the rest of my life.

I now only go out a couple of times a month, usually to interesting places like the post box to post a letter or the shop to get a pint of milk. My wife is also disabled and needs to attend hospital regular and it makes me feel bad when i have to let someone else go with her as the thought of going is too much.
Im sure my GP thinks im just lazy and has said that im enjoying the sitting at home lifestyle and its no wonder i dont want to go out. :(

Well i feel better for that and hope i havent bored too many of you.

Hopefully speak soon


06-10-04, 14:58
Hi Baz

Welcome to the site. You will find lots of support and good advice here.


06-10-04, 15:09
Hi Baza

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of people here who understand what you are going through.

It doesn't sound like your doctor is very sympathetic. Have you thought about seeing a different doctor? Lots of people benefit from counselling.

You will get a lot of support here.


06-10-04, 16:29
hey baza,

I'm glad you've found the site! You will find so much support here it really helps to not feel alone.
I agree with briary, you really need to speak to another doctor,you'll perhaps get a different answer. Keep on and on until you find someone who understands!

tracy x

06-10-04, 16:32
Hi Baza :D

Welcome to the site.

When did you last have a panic attack?
Going to the lou alot is another symptom of anxiaty.
Since finding this sit at the end of August thay have helped
me soooo much, I have not had a panic attack since the
middle of August and my anxiaty levels have dropped.
The support and advice they give is pricless.
With alot of hard work support and time you to will
see a end. Remeber never say never.

Where about in spain are you going?

Look farward to reading your post.


May your troubles be less
and your blessings be more
and nothing but happiness
come through your door..

06-10-04, 16:35
Hi Baz,

Welcome to the site, i'm sure it will be a huge help to you. I would seriously consider changing doctors (or at least asking for a second opinion), i don't think your GP's attitude is doing you any favours at all.

There are loads of people on these forums that are in a similar position to you, hopefully we can give you some help and support:)

Take Care, Andy (pootle)

06-10-04, 16:56
hello Baza,

Welcome to the site!! You are definetly in the right place as I'm sure you will find loads of support here.

Sarah :D

06-10-04, 17:08
Hi Baza!

Welcome! When I discovered this site 3 weeks ago, I was agoraphobic! I hadnt been out in nearly a year and the panic attacks and depression I suffered were miserable.
Well in the past 2 weeks Ive managed to pick my daughter up from school twice AND accompany my elder daughter on a family trip to Alton Towers!! Not only that but I rode on AIR!! My fear of rollercoasters is humungous! :D I still have a way to go yet but the people in here show you the right path!

You are definately in the right place! :)

Good luck to you... Minny..xx

06-10-04, 17:13
Well done minny! That is such good news! Picking up kids from school is one of the things i really hate, the playground is always so busy. So, well done!

Take care

tracy x x

06-10-04, 17:18
Thanks for all your reply's

To answer a few questions im actually going to Ibiza (san antonio bay)
I went to Magaluf back in May and ended up having 3 can of lager befor the journey to the airport. It helped but i was still a wreck 5 mins into the journey. We are travelling to the airport on a minibus this time, there are 9 of us going and i think its a 12 seater so at least ill have some room and wont feel so closed in.

Ive had a few attacks in the last month or so. The worst was going to my wifes sisters funeral. The fact that i HAD to be there for my wife and knew i could not let her down by ducking out if i needed to. Im bad in cars (dont drive, always a passenger) and as the coffin was pulled by horses the journey to the church took for ever. thats the worst ive had recently but even last week i got the usual need the toilet feeling when we walked to a local shop to look for a carpet. In the end i left the shop saying it was too expensive just to get out, the moment i was on the way home again th feeling dissapeared. like it always does.

I have also just come off the phone to my doctors surgery where i now have an appointment tomorrow with a different doctor. Ive a feeling he will just say that as the other doctor usually sees me he is reluctant to prescribe or arrange anything.

06-10-04, 17:22

Don't let them fob you off. You know you need help, and that is what they are there for!!!! you go!!

tracy x x

06-10-04, 17:38
Hi Baza

Well done for arranging to see a different doctor.

As Tracy said, don't let them fob you off. If you still get no joy I would consider changing to a different surgery.


06-10-04, 18:25
First of all, welcome!

Secondly, I really hope you get more joy with the other doctor tomorrow. I cant beleive how unsympathetic your own doctor has been, obviously never had a panic attack!!

Good luck and let us know how it goes.


06-10-04, 18:35

dont mean to be rude but i havent got the time to read your post so:


Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

06-10-04, 19:13
Hi Baz

Welcome to the site and forum.

I don't do public transport cos I like to be in control. So I need to drive myself which is where I get most problems.

It takes time to get used to these things and I still have to master trains and taxis so I know how hard it can be.

You will get loads of support on here so welcome aboard and hope to more from you soon.


07-10-04, 07:11
Hi Baz

Welcome to the site. You will get loads of help and great support on hear.

Sorry to hear you have trouble travelling but i think you are really brave if that is how you feel going abroad i am sure lots of people in your position would not do that.

Good luck and i hope you have a great holiday.

Love Sal xxxxx

07-10-04, 10:35
Hi Baz,

Welcome to the site!

It sounds as if your doctor hasn't been much help, but it's great that you,ve plucked up the courage to see a different one.

It's amazing what a difference a sympathetic but firm doctor can have....I've just changed a few months ago, and my new doc listens to me as if he's got all the time in the world and always makes me feel valued.

Let us know how you get on!


07-10-04, 12:55
Hi Baz

Welcome aboard.

Travelling can be hard. Hope it all goes ok.

I agree that finding another dr might be a good idea. Mine is lovely and has spent hours talking to me. Though in the past I've seen some drs who have just shrugged me off. One even suggested that I was faking anxiety. As if anyone would do that!!

Anyway let us know how you are and how the hol was.



07-10-04, 18:11
Hey Baz ,

You've done really in recovering this far by yourself . Congratulations .

The going to the loo thing is sooooo common and you can get over that yourself too.. Medication will not help much with this particular issue and it sounds like you are doing quite well otherwise .

I'm glad you're going to see someone else tomorrow .

Make a list of things you want to discuss so you don't come out and then remember someting vital you wanted to bring up .

CBT will ceratinly help with this issue as will exposure therapy .

Let us know how you get on and then we can see about what you can do next . You can get over this - I'm quite sure .


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

07-10-04, 18:47
Well i went to see the doctor this afternoon, Had to wait in the waiting room for 45 mins as the doc was running late again....
why dont they ever get magazines a bloke might read Hmm

Told the doc i wasnt happy with my usual doctor and he looked back over my notes. He took my BP and that was fine and then i told him i wanted to be refered to a counsilor or something. He agreed to set something up for after my holiday and has put me back on Paroxetine for now. I know these have worked for me before so im looking forward to about a fortnights time when they start to kick in, ill be in ibiza by then but the alcohol will already be working [8D]

Thanks for all your replies, it fels better just getting stuff off your chest


07-10-04, 20:31
They don't get magazines themselves - they get them donated -so you could take in some of your old ones next time to help the next bloke in there !! lol

Glad to hear about your progress both in medication short term help and about your referal to a counsellor. Progress it seems.

Meanwhile we're here to help and support


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

08-10-04, 00:29
Hi Baz

Pleased went ok with doctor although it has taken you time to get what you needed.

Just go and have a great holiday, cant even comment and say go easy on alcohol as on tablets as i am last one to comment and i would just take it as a week to be me again.

Enjoy it and be you and remember even when you are home you can be that person.

Hope you have a brilliant week mate.

Love Sal xxxxx

10-10-04, 17:54
Welcom to the forum Baz and omg you dont have a very understaning doctor either? makes you wonder how some of them got the job. hope you find plemty of help and support here which i am sure you will like we all have Vernon