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View Full Version : Right side of my neck

21-06-16, 16:58
The right side of my neck always hurts, very worried about it, I occasionally get headaches as well :/

21-06-16, 19:42
The chances are that you have some sort of neck problem, its incredibly common and can be purely from tense neck muscles. repetitive strain from say computer work, the list is endless but not life threatenng in any way.

Have you had any treatment like physio/osteopathy etc to try and help it? as this should be your first port of call as these professionals will have a very good idea what is causing your pain.

21-06-16, 21:41

I have a heavy feeling in my neck. I am fairly sure this is due to anxiety about my neck arteries bursting.

I have noticed that as I get more anxious i start to tense up which gives me pain in my neck and shoulders.

I try my best to stop attending to my neck and to distract myself from the arteries thoughts as best as possible.