View Full Version : Trouble going to friends house due to failed holiday :(

21-06-16, 22:39
So I didn't manage to get to Spain on my holidays due to anxiety, it was a step too far after withdrawl, I had come a long way but that blip threw me off a bit, now I'm getting the same seperation anxiety I got from the holiday, except this time it's about normal things, like going to a friends house etc.. it's really upsetting and I don't know how to get back to my normal mind state..

22-06-16, 18:37
Hi hivenburs,

If it makes you feel any better, you're not alone. I was supposed to go on holiday last week too on an amazing trip I had been planning for almost a year. I had a relapse of the ol' anxiety and had to cancel after a lot of struggle. What made me get back to a normal state of mind was going home to my family. Being in a safe and comfortable environment minimized my anxiety so I could get some professional help and get a treatment plan in place. I'm slowly starting to feel better and I do feel that I will be back to myself soon.

Is there a familiar place you can go to with people you trust? If so, maybe try starting your healing process there.