View Full Version : Hives while taking amoxicillin

fed up with it
16-03-07, 17:36
HI i was taking amoxicillin for a couple of days when i woke in the morning and developed hives all over my legs and bum from the waist down! first they said stop taking them and i was tested for glandular fever as this sometimes produces a rash when you take amoxicillin while having g.fever? then the next morning they where there again and the following to morning was less until today none, i went back to the doctor who said the blood test was normal. I asked if this meant i was allergic to amoxicillin and she said it was not a strong enough reaction. To be cover with hives!!! now i am going to be even more terrified the next time, what did she mean not a big enough reaction, the nurse that took my blood said she is allergic to amoxicillin as this is what happened to her! what do you think?????

16-03-07, 18:59
Next time you get prescribed any antibiotic, tell the doctor that you had a reaction to Amoxycillin. Any reaction is always worth mentioning (again!). Ask them to prescribe an alternative if you are worried.

I had a really bad reaction to an antibiotic nearly 2 years ago - covered in a hot and incredibly itchy and painful rash from the neck down. I was ill for months and had to go to hospital 3 times a week for skin treatment. I was prescribed the antibiotic twice during 3 months. They thought the skin thing was an immune disorder. Didn't realise the connection until I was prescribed the same again last year. Skin reactions are quite common with a number of antibiotics and shouldn't be taken lightly. I'm surprised that your doctor was so dismissive.

The good news is that if you do have a reaction again, it will go away quickly if you stop taking them. There are plenty of others to try instead.

Eeb x

fed up with it
16-03-07, 19:22
Hi thanks for that reply, i have read on line that if you react to amoxicillin, the next time could be much worst, as an already anxious patient living alone with two young children i think she should have taken me a bit more seriously! Next time i go in i will see my normal doctor, this same doctor told me when i had an inner ear infection if i didnt get up soon which was impossible as i had no balance that it wouldnt be a normal hospital i went in " nice ah" so i think i need another opinion.

16-03-07, 19:27
My sons allergic to the same antibiotic, he got hives and now cant have it again. The next time you take it it could be better or worse or the same, so its not worth the risk.

When I was 18 I reacted to penicilan, my throat closed over and i couldnt breath, it was terrifiying and now Im not allowed it ever again.

take care

04-04-08, 20:11
I know this is an old post but I just wanted to say that i'm exactly the same with amoxicillin, a few years ago now I took it for a sore throat and within 48 hours I had a rash over my body from my face to my feet, it itched like mad and in the end hayfever tablets really helped with it. I had Peniccilin before and I had no reactions with this but now they don't give me both as they are in the same family of drug.

04-04-08, 21:11
Exactly same as you hun......Im allergic to penicillin, but my stupid gp 3 yrs ago gave me antibiotics (in penicillin family) eventhough its in my notes im allergic to them, and within 2 hours i had hot red itchy hives all over, even the palms of my hands and throat were itchy, couldnt breathe, and i ended up in a+e where they gave me steriods and antihistamenes, which worked pretty quickly.
Doctor who treated me in a+e told me to make sure my gp never prescribed anything like euthromycin amoxicillin etc ever again. Ive been literally terrified to take anything at all since in case it happened again or worse. So now ive found just in the last few weeks that i can take 'doxycycline' which is a totally diferent family of antibiotics. They give me thrush but i can deal with that..
Just make sure your gp checks your notes before he prescribes for you. I also ask advice of my pharmacist as they are brilliant on advice about drugs, theres nothing they dont know....better than doctors even
Good luck hun xxxx

08-04-08, 16:31
Dude, I had this a few weeks back, excatly the same. Of course I thought I had meningitis!

Settled down and went after 2 weeks.