View Full Version : actually cant take anymore im desperate

22-06-16, 15:55
ok so i had intense anxiety for 3 months
past week intense lower stomach pain in and out of hospital
at first i thought it was an eptopic pregnancy as no period for 3 months
they done blood pregnancy test was negative

then i started panicking it was a dvt in abdomen/pelvis they refused to test me because of my anxiety and amount of times i been tested in past
i heard the doc say my oxygen was low it was 94 and that freaked me out but she sent me home

today my groin thigh and lower back hurt im hysterical im convinced its a clot
i have no swelling or heat but would it there?
i rang my gp they just said they cant do anything
i cant go back to hospital because they dont want to know
convinced im going to drop dead iv had this fear before aboutdvt but not like this this is like nothing else iv felt and i dont know what to do my last d dimer was 10 days ago but prior to all this pain someone please help me figure this out i spoke to my mental health team and they just said they wont discuss anything medical with me
but they didnt test me so i am at risk of being right!

Gary A
22-06-16, 16:49
Why must every ache and pain be a clot? The body has vast arrays of muscles and nerves, all of which can strain or become tense or just plain ache for no particular reason.

You have had literally dozens of D dimmers. I have to agree that there isn't much else anyone can do medically to convince you, so other than await another appointment with your mental health team, I really don't know what else anyone can say.

22-06-16, 22:01
i know it a joke iv never been this bad everything always comes back to a clot i heard the doc say her sats low but they did nothing
so now im paranoid even tho that was yesterday and nothing happend today
thank you for replying sometimes someone being blunt helps alot

22-06-16, 22:14
You have had alot of d dimer tests because you are always fearful you have a dvt. How long have you been convinced you have a dvt when obviously you haven't ever had one. Why should this time be any different to all the others.
I have experience of others with dvt/pulmonary embolism and you don't have the right symptoms. Remember you can fit almost any symptom to any serious disease if you try hard enough!
The more you cry wolf then the less medical attention you will get.
If you had a dvt then after this amount of time you would have very obvious symptoms or be dead.
What are you really afraid of - if its death then there is more chance of you being run over by a bus tomorrow than of you dying of a dvt so why aren't you worried about crossing the road??
Sorry for being blunt as above but its in the hope that you will see a little chink of sense and this will reduce your severe anxiety or make you look at what you are doing to yourself by obsessing about one thing only.
I do feel for you though and hope you can calm down a little x