View Full Version : Scared waiting for mole biopsy

22-06-16, 18:50
I went in to have a small mole removed from my shoulder that looked a little odd (but not really concerning) and while there, the derm noticed one right on my spine in the middle of my back that she said had a little black in it. It was only about 2 mm big. I went through old pictures and I can see that mole existed 2 years ago (RARE to find pictures of my back), but I can't see if there were any color variations then (due to picture quality). I CAN say though, that the size hasn't changed at all. I'm trying to keep that in mind, because it's freaking me out BIG TIME waiting on the biopsy results. It's much worse in the morning when I wake up, just get this horrible pit in my stomach. Hate this. :-(

Gary A
22-06-16, 18:58
A mole of 2mm in size that has not grown over a two year period has almost zero chance of being cancerous. Your dermatologist probably removed it just in case it ever became problematic in the future.

I understand that it's never nice to wait on these things, but I'm 99.9% sure that these moles are completely harmless.

22-06-16, 19:38
They actually JUST called back. Said the one on my shoulder was nothing (as expected), but the one on my back is 'slightly atypical'. They said to just keep an eye on that area and go in for my yearly exams, but that scares me a little bit.