View Full Version : Starting cbt tomorrow

22-06-16, 19:55
Hi , so been waiting months for cbt and its come around starting tommorow , I'm not sure what to expect as I haven't looked into it , I got the usual letter " if you miss an appointment we will assume you no longer need our help and will cancel the course " nice threat to give you confidence , it's also ten miles away in a city centre so a drive there and parking to find , I'm not sure the people that arrange these courses realy understand mental health , I'm not agrophobic but on a bad day being in a crowded city centre is hard to say the least , I'm male and would have been more comfortable talking to a female but you get what you're given and mine is a man , I don't take meds except diazepam so this is my last hope at sorting myself out but the odds already seem stacked against me , I never thought it would come to this but I guess I'll give it a go , wish me luck , thanks .

22-06-16, 20:33
Good luck for tomorrow, i hope you find it helpful, i am halfway through my second lot of CBT, i have learnt a few useful coping techniques so hopefully you will. I see a man but would of been happier with a lady but with a 4 month waiting list, i don't suppose I can afford to be fussy. Sorry you need to go to a city centre, i understand the stress of parking etc but just allow yourself plenty of time and I'm sure it will be ok.

22-06-16, 20:44
Good luck for tomorrow.
I found CBT be really helpful to me in treating PTSD and OCD.
I use things that I learned every day.

22-06-16, 20:46
My therapists have typically been women, and with me being a man, it can make me feel very awkward when I have to talk about women, relationships and sex, which seem to make up 80% of my problems these days. I personally feel the pendulum has swung so far that male professionals are getting short shrift these days. Don't underestimate the usefulness of confiding in someone of your own gender, trust me on this. (I'm not saying one gender is better than any other here, just don't count one of them out.)

CBT is very much about understanding your thoughts and behaviour in order to modify them. Therefore you could argue that CBT is way more proactive than counselling, since it tends to be target oriented and focused on specific problem areas.

If your therapist is good, your sessions will probably be quite interesting. If they start talking about schemas you could be onto a winner.

22-06-16, 21:05
Good luck for tomorrow, Buster. Start with an open mind and don't let negative thoughts take over before you've even started? I had to go back to hospital for my sessions where I swore I'd never go back after being an inpatient but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's not the venue it's the therapist that matters.

22-06-16, 21:58
Good luck for tomorrow.
My therapist started off my discussing my current mental health problems,
Then gave me printed off info on how anxiety,. Panic and agoraphobia developed.
Then we discussed the best way both she and I thought best to deal with my health problems.

It is a two way treatment. You have to participate.
Be vocal on what help you need from this CBt and tell the therapist if the treatment is not helping you so she can adapt it to your needs

22-06-16, 22:22
Hi , thanks for the replies , I know I would find it easier to talk to a woman I think that comes from most male doctors having no time for you and I come from a family and generation were men don't talk about anything to do with feelings , I only used to go to the doctors if somthing wouldn't stop bleeding or was broken how did it come to this , guess we'll see and I'll give you a thumbs up or down tomorrow , good night .

22-06-16, 22:22
Hope it goes well Buster,

I agree they don't seem to be very understanding. It's like they threaten with you with cancelling treatment if you can;t get there. This is NOT helpful for someone with intense anxiety.

For me, our hospital where we can get CBT os on the furthest side of town from me and the first couple of times I had to get someone to take me. I also missed one appointment as I was in too much of a panic to drive. They knew driving was one of my key anxiety/panic situations but didn't offer any help with getting there. The day I called I hoped we could do a phone appointment but he wasn't willing to do that.

Just think what an achievement it will be to get there and get it done!

23-06-16, 00:18
Good Luck! Here's to kicking some dragon butt! You have to work at it but it's worth it....

Positive thoughts

23-06-16, 00:33
Good luck Buster :)

23-06-16, 05:44
Good luck, Buster.

Write down what you want to get across and anything you want to know. It can get a bit overwhelming at first trying to go through it all and things get left out.

The first sessions are always about them finding out more about your problems and teaching you about the basics.

23-06-16, 09:20
Hi , that's a good idea writing things down I do that when I ring places others wise I think about it after when it's to late , woke up feeling anxous but hopfully it will subside a bit before j go , he's going to have a field day with the issues I have and the problems that have made me who I am , nothing to lose and everything to gain , have a good day all .

23-06-16, 19:45
Hi all , well I went so that's a start , it was a bit daunting as it was at the old hospital a big place didn't know where I was supposed to be but main reception where friendly and helpful in pointing me to a different building , talked about where my issues come from that was a hell of a list but felt OK talking to the chap he seemed ok not condescending, came out feeling a bit more positive probably from unloading a load of stuff , back in two weeks and it will be free parking next time now I know where I'm going , I'll see how it goes , take care all

23-06-16, 21:28
Hey Buster, I'm glad it went so well!

I do think good therapy leaves you with a wonderful refreshed feeling :)

23-06-16, 21:48
Positive start. Well done!

23-06-16, 22:24
:yesyes: Glad to hear this!

Positive thoughts

24-06-16, 04:54
That's really good to hear, Buster. :yahoo:

Feeling comfortable with the therapist is very important.