View Full Version : Weird dizziness

22-06-16, 20:25
I've been feeling weird for the past 2 or 3 days. Mainly when I am sitting or laying down. I feel like I am rocking from side to side, it's hard to explain. Just a strange light headed feeling.

I've been concerned that it's due to a heart issue even though I've been checked out. My pulse has been strangely lower than usual. Resting pulse is 60 when it generally is much higher. It got as low as 54 during my sleep. Yes, I know this is within range but it's not "my normal." Like most drs appointments its up between 80-120 depending on how anxious I am. I feel very anxious, yet it's so much lower than usual and i've become obsessed with checking it. Blood pressure is normal. I have also been having PACs, they usually happen during slower periods of heart rate.

I have started a vitamin regimen, and am working out a couple times a week.I am also out of work for the summer, so that's less stress. However, my diet and exercise could be a lot better so I am not sure if my heart rate would have lowered significantly because of that!

I am also taking 100mg of Zoloft, and only 10 mg of Propranolol in the evenings. I don't think it's the propranolol dose that is causing these symptoms because it's such a low dose.

Can these feelings be connected to my monthly period maybe? I think I have kinda pinpointed the dizzy feeling to my cycle. But the heart rate thing is concerning. I've never been checked out for "lower than usual" heart rate because it never happens! lol

22-06-16, 21:02
Hi, I'm new here, but I've had weird dizziness for the past 10 years. ;)
I have had it so bad that I suffer from vertigo but that was only once.
Dizziness can be so many different things - and hardly ever serious unless it's in conjunction with a myriad of other syptoms and even then it could be so many different things.

Also dizziness and anxiety go hand in hand.
Like white and snow, rain and wet .... you can't really have one without the other.

Your medication will definitely cause dizziness too.

22-06-16, 21:40
My pulse is always that low. Last nightit was 49 and I was just watching TV. You say at the doctors it is 80-120 depending on how anxious you are... Do you ever just take it at home before now when at full rest. The real key is whether or not it increases with activity. As long as it raises to meet a higher demand then you should be fine.. unless of course it's causing you to pass out but it shouldn't as that's not that low at all.

22-06-16, 22:21
Even the minimum dose of propananol can cause your hearbeat to slow down alot, some people are more sensitive to it than others. My mother in law could not take any beta blockers because her heart slowed too much even on lowest dose so don't dismiss these tablets if this has occured soon after you start taking them. Zoloft and propananol together will def slow things down! They could very easily be the cause of your lightheadedness.

If you have started to do more exercise then that again lowers heartrate, my son when he was mountain biking had a resting heartrate of below 50.
Ectopics heartbeats occur when the heartrate is low and they go away when the heartrate is high usually. which is why they are more common when you go to bed and are relaxed.

22-06-16, 22:25
Hi there,

Interestingly I had a few days when my anxiety escalated and my hear rate dropped about 10-15 points from it's normal rate, though still normal range. It was my time of month so maybe there's something in that!

It's taken me a few days to stop checking and worrying so I don't know if it's still low.

I read somewhere that anxiety can SOMETIMES make our heart beat slower as we are generally very tired.