View Full Version : Anyone here suffer from Herpes?

22-06-16, 20:54
I know, not a nice question to ask but we are all unknown to each other

I do - I have both HSV -1 and HSV -2 - thanks to a cheating boyfriend.
However I have both now so no point pointing the blame.

However, I get really bad nerve pain and at the moment I have nerve pain all down one side of my face and in my eye.
It's really hard to deal with.
I also think I might have herpes in my eye and not sure if i should go to the DR, I suffer from HA really badly and this is making me miserable.
I have some weird red spots on my cheek in my mouth as well so I'm wondering if this is herpes too?
I normally don't get herpes really, I never get cold sores, but have suffered from eye herpes once before which was awful.

Anyone else on here can relate?
How long should the nerve pain last for?
My eye is really sore but it's not watering or anything so I do I just need to wait to it which is almost impossible as I"m panicking.

Thank you..... x

23-06-16, 00:23
Close to 40 years type 1+2. Nary a thought at this point. Outbreaks are mild at best (1x a year) and are clear within two weeks. That being said, when I got it, it was hell for about 5 years... I was getting outbreaks every other month for a while and the nerve pain (mostly buttocks and down the leg), etc was brutal. They didn't have meds back then so it was OTC pain relief and grin and bear it.

Talk to your doc about one of the preventative meds available. Didn't do much for me as my body has adapted but for new sufferers, it can be a Godsend.

Positive thoughts

23-06-16, 07:28
Thanks ... I've had this for about 15 years now ... so I should be use to outbreaks but this one on my face is causing some pain, the pain is behind my eye now and I have what I think are cold sores on my cheek in my mouth.... really painful.

I went to the Dr's and they didn't say anything, they can't see lesions so she should it could be anything and to just grin and bear it ... x

26-06-16, 02:35
I get the kind with a cold sore on my lip.. And yes i get nerv pain from it usually one side of my head.. Eye and top of head its soosoo annoying

26-06-16, 05:33
Truth is, based on statistics, more than 1/3 of everyone here and in the world either has HSV1 or 2 or has been exposed/be a carrier of it. Many never even know they have it as they never have an outbreak or symptoms and the other extreme are those that have severe symptoms and many outbreaks. The 'ol "it's just a cold sore" is Herpes! You can get HSV 1 or 2 down below but it's rare to get type 2 orally. There's still a stigma attached to HSV so it makes sense for the lack of responses.

In the years I've dealt with HSV, there have been times of extreme symptoms and times when I didn't even know something was up until I saw a lesion. Everyone is different.

Positive thoughts