View Full Version : Green bowel movements

23-06-16, 00:05
Hi all,

I am currently in Brazil and have been here for a week, staying another 6 days. Yesterday morning around 5am I woke up with a serious urge to go to the bathroom and had quite profuse diarrheoa. This progressed to stomach cramps and more episodes of diarrhoea, seven in total on Tuesday. It was bad enough that I couldn't leave the apartment because when i needed to go...i needed to go NOW. I made sure to drink a lot of water and Gatorade and managed to eat a little banana on toast.

Today the cramps are way less and I have only needed to hit the bathroom three times, which has meant I have been able to get out and about.

However, my stool is green in colour today and still diarrheoa. I know you can get green colour when transit time in the bowel is too fast but this has never happened to me before even with several episodes of norovirus and seriously awful diarrhoea with that. It was never green.

Otherwise I feel okay. No discernible fever, no vomiting. Just uncomfortable and sometimes painful abdominal cramps (which i am taking buscopan for to no effect yet) and green diarrheoa.

I don't really want to go to a doctor here ( I have travel insurance so I can if I have to) so really my question is...has this happened to anyone else? In your experience is it likely to be okay until I get home? I am trying not to panic and ruin my holiday and I am so far being fairly successful, which is no mean feat for me. My anxiety has improved somewhat and I really don't want this to set me back :(

23-06-16, 10:41
Normal happening when you have any sort of gastric virus, I had a bug that gave me luminious yellow water that turned to bright yellow runny poo and was still bright yellow 3 days later although better formed. By 5 days it was more normal colour and form:)

Obvously you are in a strange country to you and you will be at risk of contracting things that are not usual in your own country so if it continues then def as you have health insurance see a Dr as a sample would tell them if you have any bacterial or parasitic infection.

If it clears up fine then maybe mention it to your Dr when you return home in case they want to check nothing residual left in your bowel.