View Full Version : Hit in the temple

23-06-16, 00:27
My brother just accidentally shot me in the temple with a Nerf gun. It stung, and now it hurts and there's a little red spot where it hit. I know hits to the temple can be dangerous but it would have to be a harder blow than that to kill me, right? I'm sitting on the bathroom floor crying right now, I'm already on edge because there's severe weather and a risk of tornadoes, and now this. I'm losing it :weep:

Gary A
23-06-16, 00:45
There is absolutely no chance that this will even give you a minor concussion, let alone kill you.

23-06-16, 00:59
Thanks for the reassurance :') I know it's kind of a ridiculous worry but... and I've been doing so well with health anxiety, but every once in a while something crops up and I just can't shake it. Thanks again.