View Full Version : What's happened to me?

23-06-16, 00:55
Hi I just created this account and don't know if I'm posting in the correct place but I feel like I have to put it somewhere. Basically I've suffered from a general anxiety and depression for years, really sort of heavy, foggy mind, no hope etc.
A week ago or more I started taking probiotics - I read some article or study that suggested some alleviation or other of mental health issues. I didn't expect anything but I'd try anything if I knew it was safe. The past three days my mood has flipped like it never has before, I feel energised, active, possibly going a little too far the other way. It's never happened to such an extent and I've never felt like this. I can't get across how enormous the change is, and how monotonous my mood was prior to this, for months, years. I feel so creative. The idea probiotics could do this is crazy to me but I just have to put this out there. It could be a coincidence and I'm also a little worried that it could be some sort of mania, I don't know, I don't know what I wanted from this post, but I'd like to help others in the same boat as me. Thanks for reading if you got this far, would like to know if you think this is also just an odd coincidence or what. Cheers

23-06-16, 02:40
Hi there,

While I can't imagine they are a miracle cure, probiotics are definitely good for anxiety and depression.

My understanding is our gut is like an extension of our brain so getting a good balance of bacteria will make us feel better all round.

That reminds me I need to start taking mine again!

23-06-16, 03:47
Wow! I think i want to try this! I highly doubt its mania, it's calmed you down and has given you energy and initiative, something anxious people don't usually feel because we have irrational fears stopping us all the time.. It's great that this helps you. I say keep taking it :) as long as you're feeling good it can't be harmful.

28-06-16, 02:05
Hello, thanks for comments.
I've had some quite bad reactions and have had to stop taking the probiotics. Basically my throat tightening, shortness of breath, lightheaded feeling, and skin rash. And of course bad panic symptoms. I even stopped taking them and took them again and an hour later the symptoms flared up. I've read that some probiotics can induce histamine levels and some other problems, acidosis, although there is a lot of information and there doesn't seem to be much consensus. all I know is I can definitely not take these strains anymore.
I've found some other strains, so I will try out these. There is no way I am going back to the dull me again. I have a strong feeling that my gut and my nervous system is key to all this. Il keep you updated

30-06-16, 00:02
Do let us know how it goes! I bought some probiotics months ago because I've always had chronic constipation and am afraid to take laxatives because I can't stand when my stomach cramps, I get nauseous, light headed and cold sweats. So I thought I would try probiotics but have been afraid to take them because they might cause stomach cramps.