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View Full Version : supraclavicular lymph nodes

23-06-16, 17:22

been to doctor about three raised lymph nodes near collar bone. He felt them and asked me questions about my health felt the rest of my neck. Asked if I had any under my arms I said no. Felt all my stomack said that was all ok. Said they are lymph nodes but he does not no why I have them. he has sent me for blood tests fbc, crp, liver function and urea & electrolytes and then he sent me for a urgent chest x ray for tomorrow he said his marked it urgent as I would wait a long time on normal. | asked him if it was cancer he said probably not but he does not no for sure. so sending me for investigation.

can someone please help I'm sooo worried has anybody had anything similar.


23-06-16, 17:47
Your doctor is doing exactly what he should be doing. I've been there done that and I know waiting and speculation is extremely difficult. The difference here is that your GP doesn't think it's sinister. He did his diagnostic routine, examined and asked questions. With me, it was the opposite and the tests were more for confirmation of suspicions.

There are hundreds of reasons a node can swell and the majority are benign reasons... benign meaning something from a minor infection to a bug bite to too much poking and prodding.

Let us know how you make out!

Positive thoughts

23-06-16, 18:52
thank you so much for replying. I looked on google and it says that if 50 or over the chances of them being begnin are slim usually related to breasts lungs and stomack. I felt fine before I went to drs now I feel really rough.

I have got a sore neck where I keep prodding them but I feel there must be something otherwise why would I have them. God I'm soo scared. Thankyou for replying again. its nice to be able to talk to someone about it.


23-06-16, 18:58
Dr. Google will tell you a zit is cancer! You have no other symptoms and you've been poking and prodding. He doesn't think it's anything and is just doing his job. Do your best to relax and stay off Google for goodness sakes!

Positive thoughts

15-09-16, 21:27
How did you get on please?