View Full Version : Suddenly Fell Over

24-06-16, 00:34
O.K....I've got myself in a state.

I was sitting on the couch in sort of a funny position, and my leg fell asleep. I gave it some shakes, stood up, and was fine for a moment, but then I fell right down-hard, like a sack of potatoes!

The rational part of my brain says,"Well, of course you did. Quit trying to stand on numb feet!"

But the irrational part of my brain thinks that since I'm only 44 I ought to be able to stand up on a numb foot without toppling right over! I also have a stiff upper back, and I've been feeling like whatever side I lie on in bed, I hurt. The other day I ached all over. In addition to that, I've been super forgetful-I found a book on my Kindle I didn't remember downloading, and I had even read five pages of it! It's all really got me terrified that I have some horrible neurological condition.

My HA used to be all about cancers, but now I've totally switched, and I'm obsessing constantly about losing my mind. I'm under tons of stress, but I wasn't really today, and honestly, I seem to feel the worst when there is nothing really stressful going on! Anyone want to talk me out of this? How do you know when to go to the doctor? Everything has always checked out o.k. when I've gone, but I worry that I'm not going to the right ones....like maybe I should see a neurologist? Ack! I have done CBT, but I guess it's not helping much right now, except that I am here instead of Googling....which is progress! TIA