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View Full Version : Don't want to feel this way

24-06-16, 06:24
Quick background about myself: 32, with several confirmed conditions - chronic sinusitis, reflux and a few other issues. I should be at the prime of my life, but I'm constantly worrying that I have serious health conditions based on every little thing that happens.

Last week it was pins and needles and my mind wandered to all sorts of negative places. Now its throat pain, and obviously Google leads to worst-case scenarios (Trying so hard not to Google - its evil).

I think my HA is exacerbated by the fact that I'm the sole breadwinner, and the family (and 2 cats) depends on my income and if something happens to me, I don't know what we'll all do. I feel especially teary today, and I'm sitting here during lunch typing this and not having any appetite to eat anything (which off course worsens my already acting up reflux).

It feels like nobody understands the state of my chaotic mind sometimes, even the doctors I go to that seem so quick to want to get us out of their office. The amount of money I've spent on doctors on every little health scare.. and the unused medicine piling up at home because it was eventually not needed.

And that's why I am so glad to have found this forum - that this HA is a real real thing. Its something that we have to keep fighting everyday. To my fellow HA sufferers, thanks for reading this. Typing all this out actually made me feel better. I just need to get through this period.