View Full Version : Brexit has rocketed my anxiety sky high

24-06-16, 07:05

I have not been on here for a while as I have been managing my anxiety by using logic and breathing,(logic as in stepping out and looking at situations differently), however a vote leave result has started me off again.

I believe it would be better to be in the EU, now we have voted to leave all the press will do will talk about how bad a decision it was which will force an economic downturn and we will lose jobs (I know I am very good at spiralling situations).

I don't like the unknown and fear for what may happen, my hubby seems quite upbeat and ok with the decision so I guess I should be ok with it. I am also taking comfort that other countries will now consider the same.

Just needed to get it off my chest, here's hoping my positivity can return


24-06-16, 07:24
Give it a few days, Clare. I bet it passes.

I've felt this myself, it's like a big wind up to the event and then you need some time to get back to normal. I felt it a bit with the Scottish referendum but with EU one I've been fine.

Change & uncertainty are big things for all of us but it's essential that we learn to accept them and reduce how they affect us. That's a tough one as it's a long term goal really. But with this, the country will go on and we managed fine before we joined them anyway. Our government will be working very hard to keep us in a good position. And there has been so much garbage from both sides that we don't know who is right and who is wrong anyway.

We are not the first to leave either really. Greenland left the EEC and so did Algeria.

It's also going to take years to sort through and by then maybe other things will have been firmed up to counter balance the impacts?

The pound dropped to the worst since 1985 but that was going to happen. What counts is how it recovers and how it runs through the period from now until we leave. Markets always go up & down with big political decisions...but money is king in this world so it won't put up with having it's legs slapped for long. :winks:

24-06-16, 09:40
I was woken to a raging thunder storm and then looked at the news. I can't even express how I feel and the tightness in my chest is awful.

24-06-16, 11:20
It has brought on my anxiety as well it is a pretty momentous event but next week it will be something else we will get used to it ...

24-06-16, 11:59
Look at it this way. Anxiety is a fear of the uncertain future. However, look back over your life. Did any of the terrible things you feared actually happen? Did living in fear ever really help you, or spare you from pain and anxiety? No, of course not.

Leaving the EU is exactly the same as a person with severe agoraphobia putting on their best suit, taking a deep breath and stepping out into the world. It might be terrifying and painful, but in the end, it's the only way things are ever going to get better.

Britain controlled the largest and most powerful empire the world has ever known. We've defeated every major power in Europe over centuries of war. And now they failed to conquer us via diplomacy and economy, just as they failed to conquer us with their armadas and their blitzkreigs.

In WW2, we relied on ourselves - the British Empire, now the Commonwealth - and the United States. The defeated French and Polish governments were hiding in Britain, shielded by us. The invasion of Normandy started from Britain. Britain is in a crucial geographic location - we are America's gateway, and bulkwark, in the Atlantic.

We will do what we have historically always done. We will prevail. It's who we are, and it's what we've always done. History proved this. It will do so again.

24-06-16, 12:03
Please don't listen to the press. They operate on fear. In the immediate you will just go about your business as always. I would embrace it and look for the opportunities that will invariably come. Don't take the bait on the hook of fear. Most of the media in my country are on the hard left and they try to control the people through fear. Do not worry. The UK has the fifth biggest economy on the planet. There will be no shortage of countries that want to do business with them.


24-06-16, 13:07
Thanks everyone everything you say makes sense, apart from the inital chatter this morning work is going ok, trying to chill now and get ready for the weekend.

Totally off topic but on a positive note one of the leaders in my running group told me last night that I had a half marathon in me so I am entering the Birmingham half in October

24-06-16, 13:08
My advice going forward: whatever anxiety and/or depression tell you, BELIEVE THE OPPOSITE!! :D

24-06-16, 14:09
Thanks everyone everything you say makes sense, apart from the inital chatter this morning work is going ok, trying to chill now and get ready for the weekend.

Totally off topic but on a positive note one of the leaders in my running group told me last night that I had a half marathon in me so I am entering the Birmingham half in October

Fantastic! Good luck!


24-06-16, 15:25
I'm feeling this too, a cold sense of dread

25-06-16, 00:45
Tims - here's a post that might help you.

25-06-16, 10:51
I have his constant feeling of dread and pending doom :(
Hoping it will pass.

25-06-16, 11:38
If people are watching the news, stop it. All they're reporting on is the Remain side, because the Remain campaign was based on fear. Fear sells papers and keeps people glued to the screen. When you feel that dread in the pit of your stomach, tell yourself "This, too, will pass".

25-06-16, 11:53
I've stopped looking at the news about it and I've unfolliwed a lot of so called "friends" on FB who have accused me of being a low life racist, and an uneducated knuckle dragger amongst other delightful things because I voted out.

25-06-16, 12:11
I've stopped looking at the news about it and I've unfolliwed a lot of so called "friends" on FB who have accused me of being a low life racist, and an uneducated knuckle dragger amongst other delightful things because I voted out.

WTF?!!! What kind of friends are these? Friendship should be far more important than this. God, it's like the miner's strike again!

There was a guy on the news earlier saying he has never seen his 3 kids, oldest was 17, so upset. I think as a child I had times I was more upset if I lost my favourite Lego piece.

His family must be incredibly blessed not to have gone through any hardship. Personally I was much more upset at 9/11, the London bombings, Lee Rigby, basically any advert showing dying children or cruelty to animals.

You've been accused of being racist & uneducated? I take it they are so uneducated that they don't realise they meant xenophobic? Or are you a non European race? You are not xenophobic either, that's just the idiots shouting "little Englander" at people.

25-06-16, 12:18
Hahahaha...Ah yes...the old racist default accusation of the left. They're so predictable. Here's another golden oldie - "You Homophobe!":roflmao:

When the left looses the argument because of facts and common sense suddenly YOU become a racist. That charge is meant to intimidate and silence you.

80 to 90% of the media is run by the lefties (essentially commies). If the media did their job right - playing it without a personal agenda - the world would be a far better place. They are complicit in a lot of the evil going on right now.

Personally my number one news outlet is Breitbart - started by the late Andrew Breitbart who was absolutely fearless - but there are some other good ones as well. I think there is actually a Breitbart London website now too.

Let me ask - what do you think is the most accurate/fair/unbiased news paper in GB?



25-06-16, 12:30
I can't answer that one on an unbiased newspaper. I guess the ones that are much more interested in what celeb shagged who. :D

There is lots of this "you've cost our children their future" BS knocking around too.

The EU are busy scaremongering too. Their bullying reaction has only further proved what the many are complaining about, how they conduct themselves as an elitist club rather than a group of nations for the benefit of all. They may be trying to dissuade other nations from following, quite a few are getting mentioned now, but I think they are only doing the opposite by being heavy handed.

25-06-16, 12:37
hahahaha..oh yeah! I forgot that one, Terry... A Classic! "do it for the children"

---------- Post added at 11:37 ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 ----------

I agree with your assessment on the head of the EU. He just validated everything the Leaver's have been saying.

He must be a...Racist! Or maybe he hates children! He's a homophobe!:D

Personally I think he's just a moron.

25-06-16, 13:11
I would like to see the Queen reply with 'One thinks Mr Tusk should go forth & mutiply". Prince Phillip would probably just tell him to go and eff himself. :roflmao:

Merkel is being diplomatic and insisting nothing knee jerk occurs from what I've read so that's encouraging and hopefully she will keep these bloated bureaucrats in check at the meetings to come.

Will the EU reform now with some like the Italian PM calling for it to finally listen?

We are certainly getting some compliments from the far right political groups in the EU. :blush: Whilst I know little of them so don't know whether they are the types we need to avoid I did like that one of them stated we have shown Europe how democracy should work.

It's interesting that other countries have similar campaigns calling for their own referendums. Maybe the EU has to change or others will follow? Perhaps it's the price of the arrogance of a few lining their pockets? One of the issues here was that we never elected them so maybe they are worried their gravy train is coming off the rails and their crowns may be reclaimed by their own people?

It's just silly & immature that they are calling to strip our ministers of their responsibilities and our say. We are still paying in so we expect a return! Some are questioning why we should pay if they do that. I wonder how much of this is some bloated public schoolboys spitting their gold dummies? Merkel needs to put them over her knee and restore some order.

25-06-16, 13:26
You are absolutely correct that the Elite Globalists are watching their (failing) world vision coming down. It's happening here too with the rise of Trump. He's not a politician. He's not one of them. He's not beholding to anyone...except the American people. That's why even some in his own party are against him - they are the elitists, the power brokers, Der Establishment...operating quietly behind the scenes...making decisions that adversely affect the masses but not themselves. Their daughters aren't being raped.

Trump represents their world coming crashing down upon them and the PEOPLE rising up. I hope my fellow countrymen follow Great Britain's lead and take back our nation.


25-06-16, 20:15
I've stopped looking at the news about it and I've unfolliwed a lot of so called "friends" on FB who have accused me of being a low life racist, and an uneducated knuckle dragger amongst other delightful things because I voted out.
The Remain campaign in a nutshell. No-one's been idiotic enough to insult me but my auntie was called a "c**t" and a number of friends are somehow "racist". A lot of friendships ended yesterday. My ex who lives in France was kicking off about it. She doesn't even live here any more!

This is why Remain failed.

25-06-16, 20:42
Yep. You got it friend. The left uses the "racist" line so often I just figure it's how they greet people now.


"Oh, hi Bob"
"Fine thanks, and you?"

25-06-16, 21:08
Yep. You got it friend. The left uses the "racist" line so often I just figure it's how they greet people now.


"Oh, hi Bob"
"Fine thanks, and you?"

How can they be the left when they're so adamant about getting their way at the expense of everyone else? Isn't that what the right are usually judged for? :huh::shrug::roflmao:

25-06-16, 21:15
yeah...that's a classic move of the left...like when Stalin was saying he was going to get to the bottom of the mass killings...of course he was the one committing the mass killings...but hey...that's the left.

25-06-16, 21:40
So had a conversation about leaving the eu with my 5 year old grand daughter on the way to school , she brought it up because she asked what a polling station was " so now we've left the Eu have will we have to move house " I look at her surprised we are having this conversation " don't be daft you won't have to move house but you can't have sweets anymore and you'll have to go to another school " she just grins at me " your lieing " " yep " and I'm thinking so are all the politicians scaremongering to protect their own interests keeping the rich , Rich and the poor poor , business will go on as usual if theirs money to be made no ones going to turn it down because we left the Eu , maybe if Cameron had promised to sort out the weather we'd still be in .

---------- Post added at 21:40 ---------- Previous post was at 21:38 ----------

Could be wrong but wasn't it Stalin who said its not the people who vote who make the decisions it's the person who counts the votes

25-06-16, 21:45
It's a wonder anyone could hear anything Stalin said through that tash. If I were invading his country in the 1940s, I'd take one look at that magnificent work of art and surrender. My communique to headquarters would be something like:

"The hair... the hair..."

25-06-16, 22:37
It's a wonder anyone could hear anything Stalin said through that tash. If I were invading his country in the 1940s, I'd take one look at that magnificent work of art and surrender. My communique to headquarters would be something like:

"The hair... the hair...":roflmao:

26-06-16, 04:45
Yep. You got it friend. The left uses the "racist" line so often I just figure it's how they greet people now.


"Oh, hi Bob"
"Fine thanks, and you?"

We can't even blame the left anymore for our PC society... because that would be Macist. :winks:

---------- Post added at 04:45 ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 ----------


How can they be the left when they're so adamant about getting their way at the expense of everyone else? Isn't that what the right are usually judged for? :huh::shrug::roflmao:

There is a term for the left where they use immoral tactics to force their beliefs on others isn't there? Social Justice Warriors (SJW).

These are the kind of people that will argue that a paedophile was "tempted" or led on by an innocent child unable to do so. They seem very interested in challenging what they view as the establishment and will argue any case just to do so. Although, it's not so long ago that certain Labour MP's, when they were up & coming, allied themselves with people like this, even arguing cases for them like the one I've just mentioned.

I'm sorry to hear what your auntie was called. How disgusting. I hope she has got over it and wrote such people off. Regardless of which way anyone votes, there is no need for behaviour like that.

I think that's a good point about Stalin...it might explain why Trump is so successful despite having a dead animal on his head that he must have picked up at a jumble sale. A food distraction while they go in for the kill! Perhaps it would work for Hillary if she grew a hairy chest? :D

26-06-16, 08:16
Is there a chance that Donald trump has allready started a take over of the uk in planting an illgitamate child here ,he's seems old enough to be boris the hair's dad , coinsidence ? I think not .

26-06-16, 11:22
Well this whole thread has given me food for thought, I think I have actually found where it stemmed from, please don't bash me over this.

I only watch bbc news in the morning so I get the headlines and local news then 6pm at tea and 10pm when i can't be bothered to switch channels. I don't read newspapers as I don't seem to have time. Thinking about it the bbc has been very pro remain which has probably clouded my views and allowed the anxiety to rise up. It is all still playing on my mind but not making me feel ill.

Hope everyone else is ok

---------- Post added at 11:22 ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 ----------

Is there a chance that Donald trump has allready started a take over of the uk in planting an illgitamate child here ,he's seems old enough to be boris the hair's dad , coinsidence ? I think not .

Lol an bleugh do not want to think about that

26-06-16, 12:11
The BBC are always pro the current government so I tend to look elsewhere as well but all the media seem to be biased. They aren't as bad as the newspapers though, The Mirror had a vote remain front page the other day but they are always pro labour so I ignored that.

I don't think the media should be allowed to be so biased in something so important.

The BBC were certainly quick to put up articles from the EU seniors calling for us to get out and I was questioning whether that was scaremongering as it seemed quite one sided as it didn't seem to say much about Merkel who is balanced.

I did laugh though because these bloated heads were calling to take our rights away and the public are saying let's just stop paying then.

Buster, I wish we could have had your granddaughter on TV telling both sides they are lieing. :yesyes: It's funny when kids call us out on those cheeky white lies.

Boris' dad has that weird hair too but maybe they have some Trump DNA. They all seem prone to saying some mad things. I can imagine Boris calling Hillary totty or crumpet. :roflmao:

26-06-16, 12:18
It's now in the media that leaving the EU is a disaster for our steel industry. Would that be the same industry that we sold to China? My friends husband works in the steel industry and contrary to what's been said during radio interviews, they apparently all wanted out of the EU.

Note how much prominence is being given to the Remain campaign, which appears to be little more than doomsayers, naysayers and apparently deliberate misinformation.

26-06-16, 12:25
Oh yeah...The liberal left is in bed with the media - no doubt about it. There's a political TV show on here every Sunday called Meet The Press...the host is a major contributor to HELLary Clinton...he actually was once in her husbands administration. It's so disgusting it's not funny.

26-06-16, 13:41
Yeah, and haven't the EU been causing a lot of our industry to be sold off at knockdown prices?

And on the other side of the divide, firms like BMW have said they don't want to pay tariffs. So, maybe we won't be alone in the trade fight?

Germany have already started talks for a special trading agreement with us.

And haven't the European markets taken a bigger hit than ours? All we hear is about the pound but the Germans are saying it would be a big hit to their trade. So, perhaps these market forces will demand things are sorted our successfully?

---------- Post added at 13:23 ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 ----------

Oh yeah...The liberal left is in bed with the media - no doubt about it. There's a political TV show on here every Sunday called Meet The Pres...the host is a major contributor to HELLary Clinton...he actually was once in her husbands administration. It's so disgusting it's not funny.

Adjusted that for you. :winks:

---------- Post added at 13:41 ---------- Previous post was at 13:23 ----------

The Labour party is currently imploding. Ministers resigning, one sacked, leadership under question again with a new debate coming up again to vote no confidence in Corbyn. Their own internal polls are showing a shift away from them by their own past voters because of his appointment.

They really need to oust that guy.

26-06-16, 14:21
If the Leave decision forces Britain to collapse as a nation, everyone on NMP can line up to kick me up the arse one after the other.

People seem to forget we managed to dominate the world for centuries without being Europe's bitch...

26-06-16, 14:30
If the Leave decision forces Britain to collapse as a nation, everyone on NMP can line up to kick me up the arse one after the other.

People seem to forget we managed to dominate the world for centuries without being Europe's bitch...

Our past record of World domination and colonialisation isn't something that everyone revels in. Some find it pretty shameful.

26-06-16, 15:25
Our past record of World domination and colonialisation isn't something that everyone revels in. Some find it pretty shameful.

That perhaps means they judge past society based on today's morals? We tend to forget that everyone else was doing the same the world over. Would they think the same back then? Very few moved us forward in terms of being civilised and I bet most of them enjoyed their position in society based on a past history forged from what they tried to change. Most of us on here would have been too busy just trying to survive.

I bet the same will be said about our history in a hundred years.

26-06-16, 15:27

26-06-16, 16:01

That's a lot of penguins. :winks:

It just goes to show the dirty tricks of some of these people.

I heard earlier that Corbyn is backing the rejection of another. Let's create a rule for another couple of hundred referendums and just keep going. :D

It's just silly. They can't give into a 2nd without opening up the possibility of everyone challenging anything we ever vote on. Many disliked the Tories getting back in for a start.

I really can't stand how people are turning on each other. Thankfully there are many good people too, this place shows the spirit of people coming together regardless of our politics.

26-06-16, 16:16
I think what it shows is an old line from Abraham Lincoln:

You can fool all of the people some of the time
And you can fool some of the people all of the time
But you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

26-06-16, 16:44
Our past record of World domination and colonialisation isn't something that everyone revels in. Some find it pretty shameful.
While I'm certainly not advocating we conquer everyone, my point stands and your comment does nothing to disprove it, or to move the conversation along.

26-06-16, 17:21
Who said anything about world domination. If anything aren't the Remainers the Globalists? Globalism is world domination on steroids.

I'm sure the British people just want to control their own destiny don't they? It seems like many who have lived in GB both before and after joining the EU prefer the former. They have seen it both ways.


26-06-16, 18:03
While I'm certainly not advocating we conquer everyone, my point stands and your comment does nothing to disprove it, or to move the conversation along.

My comment was my opinion on your comment. Which is what I believe we are allowed to do? I have no need to disprove anything, "move the conversation along", or in fact respond in any particular way according to your liking. This is an open thread I believe, and not the domain of just a few posters?
As for Noivous - I linked the post that mentioned world domination, it was Nopoet that mentioned it.

NoPoet, do you always respond in such a defensive way when somebody adds something that you feel inappropriate? It really doesn't bother me, but somebody else might take your dismissive comments to heart. Rather unnecessary, not to mention unfriendly.

26-06-16, 18:06
Mercime, we are having a semi-serious conversation about a topic. I guess I did react defensively as I usually do when I don't understand something (as in, I didn't know how to fit it in to the conversation, I always struggle with that) and I apologise. You're more than welcome to join in.

26-06-16, 18:49
Oh yeah! Definitely! Without diversity of thought there is no diversity.


---------- Post added at 17:49 ---------- Previous post was at 17:47 ----------

Sorry Mercime! :doh:

26-06-16, 19:46
So I've decided to start a revolution and take back what belongs to the poor from the filthy rich , can't do Thursday as I've got therapy Friday might be good unless I don't sleep to well and Ill be knackered all day so start the revolution Saturday at the latest unless I can't get my diazepam or its raining , who's with me ! Might have to be at my house if I'm feeling a bit agrophobic .

26-06-16, 19:50
Okay I'm in but I have to be home by 5 for supper. :D

26-06-16, 21:44
Sticking it to the establishment?

I'm in.

26-06-16, 21:58
Do you think three will be enough to over throw the government , I get hungry so I'll bring sandwiches , theirs a chap near me shouts at traffic he might be in and one or two MPs will have some time on their hands , you've got to laugh or your cry , take care

26-06-16, 22:16
Hahahaha!! yeah 3 should do it...plus your screaming friend.

Read this in a newspaper over here today:


European Union: This week the British people defied entreaties of their elites, threats from the U.S. president, and the pollsters and pundits, to take back control of their country. They were right to do so.
It was just two months ago that President Obama -- in a display of arrogance remarkable even for him -- went to London to lecture the British people about why they should stay in the European Union, going so far as to threaten them if they didn't.
Obama said basically that no one in their right minds would leave an "organization that gives me access to that market and that is responsible for millions of jobs in my own country." And he warned that the U.K. would "be in the back of the queue on any future trade agreements."
Obama wasn't alone in his disparagement of Brexit supporters, of course. Prime Minister David Cameron urged the country to remain -- and has agreed to step down now after the vote -- as urged countless elites around the world who said leaving the EU would be a disaster of fantastic proportions for the country.
The turmoil in global markets after the vote seems to support their contention. But as IBD's Terry Jones explained recently, all those dire warnings were little more than scaremongering (http://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/no-brexit-wont-bankrupt-britain/), based on economic models that "almost all make a worst-case scenario based on Britain slashing its trade with other countries and becoming isolated from the rest of Europe." That, he explained, is "highly unlikely." The two economies are too intertwined for either side to invite a trade war.
Plus, these warnings ignored the huge costs imposed by the EU. One economist put just the cost of EU regulations alone at 5% of the U.K.'s GDP. That's to say nothing of the loss of control that the country faced to increasingly arrogant bureaucrats in Brussels.
In remarks last week, Britain's Daniel Hannan, who is a member of the European Parliament, provided one of the best summations of why Brexit would be good for Britain (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJcuKfcxo9w&feature=youtu.be).
Hannan said the EU was badly failing in its prime goal of creating a more vibrant European economy. "The year we joined, 1973, the 28 countries that now make up the EU were 36% of the world's economy. Last year it was 17%, and falling."
Even leading "remain" advocates, he noted, were saying that leaving the EU would result in higher wages and lower food prices for British citizens. "I fail to see how either of those things is bad from the point of view of someone on low income," he said.
Hannan is right, and so were those who voted in favor of greater freedom and independence. The question now is whether political elites will pay more attention to the constituents, instead of their peers -- a question that is just as relevant to the U.S. as it is to the U.K. and the EU.

26-06-16, 22:24
Well in one respect I am pleased to have got people thinking and sharing views, in another I am still extremely nervous and anxious about what will happen. It has nt helped tonight that whilst helping my son with homework we used the internet and on my homescreen was a headline saying labour mp are resigning, don't know why that is affecting me as Labour are not even in power

26-06-16, 22:29
Yes...Thank you for this post, Choclateface! It has been fantastic in regards to getting the dialog going. Please don't fret over politicians resigning. They come and they go...and we carry on...as we always have and always will.

27-06-16, 00:37
Noivous, the British people do not give a flying damn what the US President says and we laugh at his implied threats. He is very, very deluded if he thinks we see him as anything to worry about, or if he thinks the average Brit fears "sanctions", which he simply isn't going to put in place against his closest allies.

The relationship between America and Britain can occasionally seem frayed but it's very strong. The two nations are very close in terms of culture and learning. They share a language (which is more than either nation shares with Europe). While sometimes we moan about Americans as you probably do about us, we still generally feel closer to you by far than the French or the Spanish, who remember have nearly always been enemies of Britain.

We know we're in a very comfortable position in terms of geography and economic strength, which is another reason why the threats of the USA and EU mean nothing to the Leave party. These countries need us as much as we need them.

We are sick of being told what to do by Brussels, France and Germany, and we're actually in an alliance with them at the moment. Why would we listen to Obama? Most people I know don't particularly follow US politics so all we know about Trump is that he says things about Muslims and Americans hate him.

As for the Labour cull, it's got nothing to do with doom mongering. Corbyn is commonly regarded as the man who destroyed Labour's credibility and cost them dozens of seats, some of which are typically guaranteed for Labour. He's probably also copping the brunt of Remain butthurt. Corbyn has ignored the growing clamour for his resignation and sacked someone over them. A ton of others are leaving in protest. Tl;dr - everyone hates Corbyn.

27-06-16, 01:55
Haha! That's good to hear. The US has no better friend on this planet than the UK. My dad was a Marine in WWII and he always said there was no one tougher than the Brits. I'm glad you're on our side.

Thanks for the info. It's very interesting to have all the inside info of what's going in your country right now.


27-06-16, 07:20
It's discussion, people pick on each other's points and talk about them. In writing it can be difficult to understand the emotion behind the words. No one has anything to apologise for really, things look on both sides to me.

Obama was just part of Cameron's plan but it backfired spectacularly. He seemed to think that the British people had the same kind of respect the American people do for Obama. When do we ever see complimentary things about Obama over here? Not many times. So, he could have talked about remaining with decent points but would still have many telling him to go back to the US and concentrate on his own issues. But adding in his threat would only incense people against him as he came across as arrogant. This was a massive misfire to me because one of the issues with the EU was their similar threats. He did a better job for Leave than Remain really.

---------- Post added at 04:46 ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 ----------

Hahahaha!! yeah 3 should do it...plus your screaming friend.

Read this in a newspaper over here today:


European Union: This week the British people defied entreaties of their elites, threats from the U.S. president, and the pollsters and pundits, to take back control of their country. They were right to do so.
It was just two months ago that President Obama -- in a display of arrogance remarkable even for him -- went to London to lecture the British people about why they should stay in the European Union, going so far as to threaten them if they didn't.
Obama said basically that no one in their right minds would leave an "organization that gives me access to that market and that is responsible for millions of jobs in my own country." And he warned that the U.K. would "be in the back of the queue on any future trade agreements."
Obama wasn't alone in his disparagement of Brexit supporters, of course. Prime Minister David Cameron urged the country to remain -- and has agreed to step down now after the vote -- as urged countless elites around the world who said leaving the EU would be a disaster of fantastic proportions for the country.
The turmoil in global markets after the vote seems to support their contention. But as IBD's Terry Jones explained recently, all those dire warnings were little more than scaremongering (http://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/no-brexit-wont-bankrupt-britain/), based on economic models that "almost all make a worst-case scenario based on Britain slashing its trade with other countries and becoming isolated from the rest of Europe." That, he explained, is "highly unlikely." The two economies are too intertwined for either side to invite a trade war.
Plus, these warnings ignored the huge costs imposed by the EU. One economist put just the cost of EU regulations alone at 5% of the U.K.'s GDP. That's to say nothing of the loss of control that the country faced to increasingly arrogant bureaucrats in Brussels.
In remarks last week, Britain's Daniel Hannan, who is a member of the European Parliament, provided one of the best summations of why Brexit would be good for Britain (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJcuKfcxo9w&feature=youtu.be).
Hannan said the EU was badly failing in its prime goal of creating a more vibrant European economy. "The year we joined, 1973, the 28 countries that now make up the EU were 36% of the world's economy. Last year it was 17%, and falling."
Even leading "remain" advocates, he noted, were saying that leaving the EU would result in higher wages and lower food prices for British citizens. "I fail to see how either of those things is bad from the point of view of someone on low income," he said.
Hannan is right, and so were those who voted in favor of greater freedom and independence. The question now is whether political elites will pay more attention to the constituents, instead of their peers -- a question that is just as relevant to the U.S. as it is to the U.K. and the EU.

I saw one Labour MP being interviewed on the night, a Remain supporter. He was asked what would happen to the economy if we left. He gave an incredibly vague answer which only proved he had no clue. He ended saying 'we would see when if it happened'. :doh:

The world is changing with the rise of China, India, etc. The %'s have changed despite more countries joining us. I wonder what the wealth would be like if it were still only the original members?

The question we have now is how are they going to keep us trading? Will they start doing shady backroom deals that tie us back in with the EU as non members, a bit like how the EU are in the UN Security Council? We know we can't trust either of the sides in government so I guess we have to thank that we have a press that don't support each other so will be trying to undermine the public decision.

It's already proving that we can carry on trading since Germany are already talking to us about a trade deal. If they were not bothered, they would be pushing us away or letting us dangle...some of their senior ministers are after all telling us to get out now. This shows some desperation to me and whenever these things crop up, it pokes a hole in what we were told and hints that the EU might not be unconcerned after all their bluster.

---------- Post added at 07:06 ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 ----------

We know we're in a very comfortable position in terms of geography and economic strength, which is another reason why the threats of the USA and EU mean nothing to the Leave party. These countries need us as much as we need them.

Hey Adam, and a lot of the Remain people seem to be raising the issue of the stock market plummeting yet that was always going to happen at such a big event. If we stayed, it should have strengthened but it would fall back to normal again later.

The stock market largely recovered on Friday. It's just the nature of the markets. Every time a war breaks out or there is a big discussion over sanctions on a country and going in to "police" them, the markets plummet.

And I agree with you over Corbyn. If you are following the news at the moment, the vote from his MP's on Tuesday might be the end for him. The following have resigned in the last few days:

They were the shadow Health Secretary, Heidi Alexander, the shadow Education Secretary Lucy Powell, the shadow Environment Secretary Kerry McCarthy, the shadow Transport Secretary Lilian Greenwood, the shadow Minister for Young People, Gloria de Piero, and the shadow Treasury minister, Seema Malhotra.

The Shadow Scottish Secretary – and Scotland’s only Labour MP – Ian Murray, and the shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, Vernon Coaker, also quit. They were followed by the shadow Justice Secretary, Lord Falconer, the shadow Attorney General, Karl Turner, and the shadow Commons Leader, Chris Bryant. More resignations are expected today.

He sacked Hilary Benn for leading the latest campaign to oust him and two other MP's have stepped forward and called for the vote on confidence. So, Benn was sacked for nothing in the end.

More are expected to resign this week.

---------- Post added at 07:09 ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 ----------


Here is one for you:


Talk about a banana skin. :doh:

I guess it's all a question of "who's democracy" are we talking about. :winks:

---------- Post added at 07:12 ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 ----------

So I've decided to start a revolution and take back what belongs to the poor from the filthy rich , can't do Thursday as I've got therapy Friday might be good unless I don't sleep to well and Ill be knackered all day so start the revolution Saturday at the latest unless I can't get my diazepam or its raining , who's with me ! Might have to be at my house if I'm feeling a bit agrophobic .

Sounds like this....


....I'll have to dig out my mask first but I'm in.

Hey Noivous, perhaps we could do a Point Break style one?



---------- Post added at 07:20 ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 ----------

Well in one respect I am pleased to have got people thinking and sharing views, in another I am still extremely nervous and anxious about what will happen. It has nt helped tonight that whilst helping my son with homework we used the internet and on my homescreen was a headline saying labour mp are resigning, don't know why that is affecting me as Labour are not even in power

Hi Clare,

Yes, it's a good discussion to have. None of the over the top ranting on here that you see elsewhere (hopefully, I might have banged on a bit! :D).

Like Adam says, the situation with Labour was always coming just like the situation with Scotland was. Scotland keep campaigning for a new referendum and Labour know they are unelectable right now so will keep trying to oust the leader.

Maybe we will see some Tory resignations? I don't think the PM should have resigned either but I wonder whether he was going to stand down for the next election to stop all these people moaning about him casting a shadow over the Tories to see if people were less harsh with them? So, perhaps even that was always coming?

I think we all have to take everything with a huge planet-sized pinch of salt at the moment. There will always be some short term upheaval. But from what I've seen for every person complaining about a business pulling out of the UK, we have another saying a business is moving over here because we have left the EU. Boing, for instance.

The markets always take a hit with big things like this but bounce back. All those rich people still want to make their money and in one way they are useful to us working people too since they will be the ones with ears of our politicians here & abroad. THEY will want stability and a future for themselves and they pull us along too. Germany are already working with us behind the scenes to make it work regardless of the public bluster out of the EU and that must say something.

The news is just mental at the moment over all this. Sadly for us, anxiety goes on! :doh: So, perhaps settle into the routines of the days and see where your anxiety goes?

27-06-16, 11:26
Someone should make a Trainspotting style poster for us but instead of Trainspotting, it should say THE RESISTANCE.

27-06-16, 12:10
The second Obama told us not to leave or else we were always going to leave its what we do the English , Welsh , Irish , and scots are a stubborn bunch you tell us we can't and we'll do it just to prove we can , you tell a Brit he can't walk over a bridge it's not safe he'll walk over it and end up in the river rather than listen , now we've left the Scots and Irish don't want to be told what to do by the English so they want back in , there have been signs all over saying in or out one neighbour had one that said " in out shake it all about "
I've had a guy Fawkes mask on my passenger headrest for a while and I get quite a few thumbs up , one day the rain will come and wash away all the scum .
Yoall have a nice day now ya hear .

27-06-16, 12:58
So this guy Lammy describes the will of the British people to dermine their own destiny as "madness"?

I hope someone good runs against him next time. How long are MP terms anyway?


---------- Post added at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 ----------

Haha...if memory serves me...in the movie A Clockwork Orange..."the old in out" was something entirely different. :D

---------- Post added at 11:58 ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 ----------

Terry! Can I be Reagan?

27-06-16, 15:41
I am getting increasingly annoyed by the Brexit coverage, so I totally understand your anxiety.

At the moment, IMO, it is a 'nobody knows what will happen yet' situation, but the media are stirring up things, creating a fear factor and making out we are alll doomed. It is pathetic. As for the 'let's petition for another referendum' claptrap, this is just a load of big babies throwing their toys of the pram as they didn't get their way. I would direct them all towards a dictionary so they can look up the word ' DEMOCRACY'.

How can anyone know where things will go from here, as it is far too early days? We haven't even begun the process yet, as that muppet 'Call Me Dave' has not even initiated Article 50....I wouldn't trust that goon as far as I could throw him, frankly.

My whole opinion on this is that we did fine before the common market, and we will manage again. Yes, we are living in a different world, but I seriously think that we are downgrading our own abilities as a nation to cope and find a way forward.

As for the 'racist' slurs....utter bull, and a very easy card to play. This sums up my whole issue with the Remain camp. One cannot discuss immigration without being labelled Xenophobic or Racist. This kind of shouting down is evocative of the whole EU set up, and the reason why I myself voted OUT.

If i wanted a dictatorship, I would live in North Korea.:mad:

I think uncertainty does create anxiety, but I don't think that we should preempt what is going to happen just yet. It is far too early days. The security blanket that was the EU was a scratchy one......we may just find a more comfy one in the coming years! x

27-06-16, 15:44
Could not agree with you more, Deb. Very well said!

27-06-16, 17:05
I'm going to alleviate the frustration of all this by playing as the United Kingdom in the WW2 strategy game, Hearts of Iron 2. Then I'll just conquer Europe.

Problem solved like a boss!

27-06-16, 17:13
I voted remain but I accept that leave has won and that's that. I am getting slightly annoyed at people calling for a second referendum, what's the point of giving people a vote in the first place if people are going to try and overturn it. It's undemocratic that's for sure. I think now the decision has been reached the country should concentrate on moving forward and leave it at that.

27-06-16, 17:54
I voted remain but I accept that leave has won and that's that. I am getting slightly annoyed at people calling for a second referendum, what's the point of giving people a vote in the first place if people are going to try and overturn it. It's undemocratic that's for sure. I think now the decision has been reached the country should concentrate on moving forward and leave it at that.

I can't tell you how much I respect your post. It speaks volumes as to the legendary fairness of the British people. Thank you.


27-06-16, 18:50
Thank you for that Noivous, I'm disappointed with people's attitudes to be honest. I hope everything calms down soon.

27-06-16, 19:01
So do I. I'm afraid things are just starting to heat up here. Our presidential election is Nov 8.

27-06-16, 20:01
Definition of insanity doing the same thing over again and expect up a different result , Bert Einstein ,
I'm giving my revolution a theme tune , REM Its the end of the world as we know it and I feel Fiinnnne , hold a referendum if you don't agree ,

27-06-16, 21:19
I'm sorry but we need a referendum on the theme song. It should clearly be Uprising by Muse. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_Vs_lmt_wY)

Replace "fat cats" with "IDS" (Iain Duncan Shitehawk) in the second verse.

The REM song sounds like the Remain campaign.

27-06-16, 21:52
How bout Won't Get Fooled Again?

27-06-16, 22:52
Eat the rich?

Well the EU can have a good laugh at our football team at least. That particular lion's had a sore throat for many years now. :mad:

I agree, Debs. It is quite funny & ludicrous, the sad leftie tactic of shouting racist at everything. To them, unless you inject colour into every senior position in society they shout racist at everyone. That's always been a clear sign of a gigantic chip on the shoulder.

Alma, well that just shows you are one of the good people. Really how is it any different to the fuss after the general elections in that respect?

27-06-16, 23:07
England's defeat by Iceland was so horrific not even Europe finds it funny.

27-06-16, 23:33
The French riot police will be out in force tonight. Watering the ale down would be a good plan too.

Fair play to Iceland though, they have been impressive.

Bye bye, Roy. Just like the World Cup, eh? I'm sure our players will be doing much better in the league when it kicks off again soon...they anyways do. :doh:

27-06-16, 23:37
the french riot police will be out in force tonight. Watering the ale down would be a good plan too.

Fair play to iceland though, they have been impressive.

Bye bye, roy. Just like the world cup, eh? I'm sure our players will be doing much better in the league when it kicks off again soon...they anyways do. :doh:

NEVA! NEVA! NEVA! Water the ale!

28-06-16, 00:23
NEVA! NEVA! NEVA! Water the ale!

Very true. But to some England fans it's like war paint.

Ten pints and a fight with some. There won't be many of our fans slurping down a full bodied red...the wine that is, not a Russian Ultra :winks:

28-06-16, 00:26
Reminds me of something I read in Viz. "A pint and a fight, a great British night!"

We really need to work hard for the new independent UK to shake its old image. We can't afford to be seen as the loutish, drunken football yob of the world any more. Not that I'm happy we were ever seen as this.

28-06-16, 00:32
Very true. But to some England fans it's like war paint.

Ten pints and a fight with some. There won't be many of our fans slurping down a full bodied red...the wine that is, not a Russian Ultra :winks:

Ahhahahahaha....war paint! Classic!

28-06-16, 08:02
So this guy Lammy describes the will of the British people to dermine their own destiny as "madness"?

I hope someone good runs against him next time. How long are MP terms anyway?


---------- Post added at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 ----------

Haha...if memory serves me...in the movie A Clockwork Orange..."the old in out" was something entirely different. :D

---------- Post added at 11:58 ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 ----------

Terry! Can I be Reagan?

Yes, I think we would all prefer a bit of "the old in out" in that respect. :yesyes: I'm not sure I want an image of any of our politicians with that though! Well, not most of them anyway...:whistles:

Yeah, you can be Reagan. I thought you would have a Trump mask anyway. :D

MP's terms are in between General Elections. GE's are every 5 years max. Parliament is "dissolved" at that point so they put themselves up again for their local "seats". They can resign a seat but remain "on the books" through a couple of other ways since they can't hold "an office of profit" at the same time (they can however seem to snuggle up to get positions on boards in companies and get paid since those are private but there should be rules governing what you can be employed to do whilst serving...if anyone cares to check into you that is since they get caught out from time to time).

28-06-16, 10:21
It's no different to how a lot of people feel after an election Terry, that is why I'm bewildered with some people's reactions. We were all given a long time to decide how to vote, there was numerous debates, articles and attempts to give people the facts beforehand and at the end of the day the majority spoke, that's democracy. I will admit to being disappointed on Friday morning with the result, but I certainly do not think we should have a second referendum, it would make a mockery of the whole thing.