View Full Version : Update after seeing doc for dizziness/boat feeling

24-06-16, 13:30
So i had been feeling dizzy for weeks, as though the floor moves or i am in a boat

Anyway doc said its either your brain or ear and she made me do.some neurological tests which i passed so she said its deffo not your brain so you have vertigo

Can she really be that confident its not the brain just because i passed a few tests ?

24-06-16, 15:55
Id think so, your ears are more to do with vertigo and balance as your brain. She would know how to turn and manipulate your head to see how it effects you. Has she given you anything for the vertigo? (BTW i dont know how it gets treated or anything) if she has give it a week or two and see how things are? Xx

24-06-16, 18:14
Hi she didnt turn my head just looked into my eyes and some neurological tests then said it wasnt my brain

I am sure its not but didnt think they could tell that fast

Anyone else with vertigo had a rocking boat like feeling rather than spinning ?

24-06-16, 21:04
I get that feeling, but usually only when laying down.

02-07-16, 12:33
I'm curious, what were these neurological tests they did?

I've been dizzy on/off for a couple of years now. I've always thought it was anxiety but I'm not so sure now. It seems to get better when eating which makes me think it's low blood sugar or something. Maybe I'm diabetic.

02-07-16, 16:00
Just finger to nose test, alternating clap and a few others

I have been so bad and its worse when outside i feel out of it

I still think its something serious but they dont

02-07-16, 22:00
I get that walking around on a boat feeling when my anxiety is bad. Horrible isn't it?

03-07-16, 06:04
Google Mal de Debarquement Syndrome. It's what you have.

03-07-16, 08:30
Google Mal de Debarquement Syndrome. It's what you have.

Is that something that's going to freak people out/trigger them?!

03-07-16, 14:20
Is that something that's going to freak people out/trigger them?!

No, its a dizziness disorder.

04-07-16, 09:53
i havent been on a boat though, it says you get this after being on a boat or plane

04-07-16, 14:50
my dizzy, boat symptoms have just vanished today after 4-5 weeks, what does this mean ? that it is ear related and that if it was brain it would not let up like this ?

04-07-16, 16:37
That is false. If you read further, it can be triggered by ANY sort of movement - mine was triggered by long car rides. Or it can be triggered on its own.

Not having it today means you're in a remission today. Enjoy it. If it returns, please go to your doc and talk to him about MdDS - it's still a relatively new syndrome in the neurological world, but many, many people suffer from it undiagnosed.

04-07-16, 16:48

yes i have read about it and it sounds like my symptoms to a tee, also i have had this on and off for about 10 years

04-07-16, 20:56
Welp! There ya go. Check out http://www.mddsfoundation.org for more resources. They have research and printable information to take to your doctors, as it's still a little known, new syndrome. Like I said, many suffer with it, without knowing what it is.