View Full Version : Why are Decisions so hard to Make

06-10-04, 20:09
Hi all

I am driving myself nuts about making a decision about a promotion at work. I mean this literally as well, one minute I am not taking it the next I am. I have developed an absession with singing songs in my head all the time and I convince myself that I cannot cope now how will I cope with the job, this makes me feel out of control and then I get anxious and convince myself that there is something in my head making me do this.

Also if I do take it will it make me worse and will I deteriorate and get worse or will it make it go away.

Sometimes I feel unreal and I never feel switched on i.e. just concentrating on what I am doing I just always seem to be elsewhere in my head worrying about what is wrong with me. Then I get anxious that if I take the job I will get sooooo worse and will never get better. I panic that I will end up in a clinic not coping like I did before for 6 weeks.


06-10-04, 20:21
hi Jewel,

About taking the job, why don't you make a list of advantages and disadvantages and see what you come up with?

Sarah :D

06-10-04, 20:43
Good idea Sarah! :)

Also, remember that YOU are up for promotion so someone higher up holds you in high regard and obviously has faith in you! They must see you as a together person. When youve weighed up the pro's and cons, just go with what feels right for you!

Best of luck to you!

Love Minny.. xxx

06-10-04, 20:56
Thank you.

I just dont seem to be able to reach a decision. Its hard when you feel inferior to others who just seem to sail through life and you have al sorts going on in your head. You just begin to wonder why you cant be like them and not care so much.

But if I was being positive I suppose I would say that we are all GREAT people as we all have this to put up with and still seem to carry on. If we didnt feel so 'ashamed' (not sure that is the right word) and it was a physical illness we would tell moe poeple and get pats on the back for doing so much.

I dont know its a crazy world.

06-10-04, 20:57
you are SO right Jewel!!

It can be very hard for us sometimes but hey, it just means that we get to be extra proud of ourselves when we achieve things!! :D

07-10-04, 07:16
Hi Jewel

Can appreciate how you feel but i am sure you are more than capable of doing it and getting to where you want to be.

I have put myself forward for promotion and have the first exam this morning, absolutely dreading it. Already getting the fear of been trapped in a room!!!!!

If i can go for it you can hon.

Good luck.

Love Sal xxxxx

Caz Fab Pants
07-10-04, 09:51

Personally I think indecisiveness is a trait of the anxiety and am very much this way inclined myself.

It can be the simplest decision or something really important and I can ponder over it for days. In the end I usually have to make a deal with myself that if I'm unhappy with my first choice it wont take me long to accept and get over it.

At the end of the day if you go for the promotion and its too much for you I'm sure your boss will understand if you choose to stand down.

Give it a try.


07-10-04, 23:54
Hi Jewel

Go for it mate, i did and did my best that is all we can do. Failure isnt a know back it is experience, time to learn again mate.

Love Sal xxxxx

08-10-04, 01:17
Hi Jewel

I too am so indecisive and seem to be unable to make a decision about the most trivial of things sometimes. It seems a lot of us are like that.

I would say you need to do what you feel is right for you. I think a lot of us have a lack of self belief but what have you got to lose by going for it?
