View Full Version : Anxiety, please help

25-06-16, 02:51
Hi everyone,

I have suffered with anxiety for over 10 years now, I'm 28 next month and have finally made the first step to get help.
I've made an appointment to see my GP on Tuesday, this is a big step for me as I've been too anxious to even make an appointment as I always overthink things and find it hard to talk on the phone.
I've always been a nervous person, but over the last decade it's just got gradually worse...
I used to be a retail manager of two stores but was treated unfairly for far too long so I quit in March 2015 as I just couldn't handle the stress and anxiety anymore. I also suffer with TMJ disorder and the stress and anxiety would make my migraines, jaw and neck pain even worse, so I decided enough was enough.
My anxiety has got to the point where it's affecting my relationships with my family and friends. I have no income now so we have to rely on what my partner makes which just isn''t enough, and I don't see my family for weeks beacuse sometimes I can't even get out of bed. I always cancel plans with friends and ignore phone calls so the majority don't even bother with me anymore which is really upsetting because they dont understand and I don't know how they ever will. Over the past year I've put on weight and completely lost confidence in myself as well.
I saw a programme on TV that talked about anxiety and that speaking about it can help which is why I found the courage to make an appointment. I am anxious about talking to my doctor about this but I know I need help. Can anyone give me any advice and give me any feedback from your own doctor visits?


25-06-16, 06:17
Well i am very sory for you but dont lose hope because your therapist will help you ,its qualified for this .I would sugest you to find some ways to keep your mind busy everyday from negative thoughts .Myself i read a lot of personal development books videos etc .Like tony Robins Napoleon hill and others this give my mind a boost and i gaion self confidence in me and its stop a ltle my anxiety .Also try walking in nature and be very grateful for wonderful things from your life .The things its thta you must focus on things you want and those who are positive and run from those negative and about anxiety etc .

25-06-16, 10:28
All I can say is welldone for seeking help Tommi, I hope that it gives you the support and advice that you need. I think Drs are generally okay about dealing with anxiety issues now, from my own experience at least, so try not to worry about what to say or what they might say, be yourself and be truthful and see how the phone convo goes :).