View Full Version : Pain on the right side of my head.

25-06-16, 07:09
Occasionally I'll get this dull (sometimes deep) ache in the right side area of my head above my ear. Sometimes the top and bottom row of my teeth ache too. There was even a day where one of my eyebrows was sore. Has anyone else had this problem? Is it all connected?

07-07-16, 05:17
Have I ever!

This gave me severe anxiety for about 6 months. I had a CT scan though the doctor said it was nothing. It's tension in the jaw, neck, shoulders, causing it. It's a form of migraine from muscle tension. I'm starting to feel it now as I type this! Ha! It's right above my right ear. The muscle there is the temporalis and it reacts to stress and tension. The jaw is connected to it as well so any tension in the jaw from clenching, stress, bad posture, can cause this dull headache. I used to take ibuprofen but now that I know what it is I ignore it or do some stretching. You guessed it: it IS all connected. If you go through my posts you will see I asked about this last year a lot. It was truly awful! I hope you're feeling better.