View Full Version : What's your heart rste during panic attacks

25-06-16, 09:37
I'm going through a really hard time my heart rste keeps just speeding up randomly and I get palps what's your heart rste during a panic attack ? I've had like 8 ecgs that all say sinus rythm or sinus tachycardia

25-06-16, 11:28
If I am actually in full panic I'm not in a state to check my pulse so not sure about how fast it goes. But when I am in high anxiety it can go up to the mid 90s but sometimes it's around 80 even though it FEELS like it's pounding.

I;d say if you've had all those ECGs there is nothing actually wrong with your heart. I wonder if it works like exercise so that if you have lots of times when your heart rate is up it's like being a super fit athlete?! (probably not the same).

I've been checking mine far too often recently and am learning that it just feeds the anxiety so am going to try not checking it (one day at a time) as it's become a bit obsessive in the past week especially. I'm sure checking it just makes it go harder and faster.

25-06-16, 13:32
If I have a back attack (usually only happens when I'm asleep and wakes me up) it can be anything from 100-150 for 5-10 minutes.

If I'm just generally feeling a bit anxious it can hover between 85-100 for a few hours.

25-06-16, 19:36
Before I started taking strattera to control my ADHD and relieve some of my autism symptoms, and when I was using Plenty of Fish, my heart rate was typically well over 100bpm and my blood pressure varied between 148/102 and 165/114. It gets close to this during a "blip".

Typically, my blood pressure is around 135/90, still a bit too high, and my heart rate is always slightly elevated. Anyone who suffers from anxiety is going to suffer elevated heart rate, so is anyone with ADHD, people whose diet includes too much caffeine intake etc. EDIT: The strattera also slightly heightens these figures. Check if your medication is known to increase heart rate.

25-06-16, 23:21
Had a panic attack while in the doctors yesterday and my heart rate was 152bpm
My BP was 116/85 then when I managed to calm down
My pulse went to 88 and my BP was 112/72
Panic always makes your heart rate very high and your Blood pressure spike temporarily
Try not to worry. We are all in the same boat when it comes to anxiety !!! Xx

Pretty kittay
01-07-16, 14:03
Hello, yes heart rate go's up. I have a pulse ox to check it so like 125-140 mine hits then comes down stays in the 80's-90's for a bit then drops down to 70's then I'm ok. You will be ok it's just very uncomfortable feeling.

02-07-16, 16:26
Mine was 124 bpm the last time I took my pulse whilst panicking.

09-07-16, 09:10
My heart rate is always in tachycardi when I stand up sometimes when I sit down too they can't find what's wrong with me but goes upto like 179 ect I can't walk around very far as my heart rate is like 140 walking to the loo as they can't find no cause I'm been told it's most probably effects of anxiety and depression it can go upto 179 even