View Full Version : Need some help :-(

25-06-16, 09:42
I'm on week 5 and am struggling, my heart palps got worse so I went to A&E on Monday where the heart trace showed sinus tachycardia (fast heartbeat but normal rythym). They said its anxiety but I'm struggling to believe it and now I getting missed beats and feeling breathless sometimes (happened lying in bed last night). Can anxiety really cause this?? Feel as if I'm going to have a heart attack or pass out at any moment. It's so hard to not focus on my heart when things don't feel right. Please can anyone offer any help/advice to someone that's struggling?

25-06-16, 09:57
In my experience my heart problems just increased the more I focused on them. This in turn caused more anxiety which again caused more heart palps etc.

I would say that since you've been to hospital and they've checked your heart, you should believe their diagnosis. They know what they're doing and if there was any problem they would have pick up on it immediately. They would never send you home if they felt you had a serious problem.

For instance, my husband had missed beats and a racing pulse. But no anxiety. They immediately found there was a problem and he was hospitalized. He was treated with medication and five years on, he leads a normal life.

The biggest hurdle for all of us, is to accept that YES, anxiety CAN do this.
Once you accept this, the anxiety will decrease as will the symptoms.
While you focus on a symptom, it us magnified in your mind and you feel the symptoms far more strongly than they actually are.

25-06-16, 16:34
Thank you, I'm glad your husband is ok now. It's awful I feel so scared at the moment x

25-06-16, 19:36
Hi Sunflower it is the anxiety! However have you had your iron levels & ferritin checked? As low iron can cause heart pounding/palp etc.... I just had my labs done and I am right below normal range so I started supplementing with iron. I hope this will finally stop my heart pounding. I know my iron levels need to be mid range for me to feel good. So even if the doctor came back and said my labs were low normal I still would have supplemented even if the doc told me not to because I know how my body feels with more iron.

26-06-16, 00:06
Hi There,
I had a full blood count about 6 weeks ago and it was normal. It's horrible when it happens :-(

27-06-16, 10:46
This probably isn't what you want to hear but - there's nothing to worry about. We have all had ongoing palpitations before, it's one of the main anxiety symptoms & it's completely harmless. Once you learn to live with it & accept it cannot harm you, it will pass. I know it's scary in the mean time but you know your heart is fine now so try not to focus on it too much x

27-06-16, 10:56
I have experienced exactly what you are and it really is scary. I've worried about my heart for months despite being medically cleared and paying it attention really does make things worse.

I became quite obsessive about checking my pulse but have now gone two days without and doing my best not to think about it. I've had the odd 'flutter' but just tell myself there's nothing wrong. It's helping a bit.

28-06-16, 08:08
Thank you, I'm really struggling with it all. Seem to be getting missed beats all the time which makes me feel ill. I've been checking my pulse a lot too. So scared it's my heart as feeling awful when I have them. Is it normal to get them for hours at a time? I yawn a lot to when getting them. Thanks for any help. I'm glad your managing not to worry so much about them.

28-06-16, 09:35
I have been on Citalopram 4 times and should be starting it again now but the start up can be horrible. Eventually, hopefully, you will be normal and not even know you are on it!! xxx All part of the start up darl in my experience xxx

28-06-16, 10:40
Thank you for your help.