View Full Version : Pin prick red dots on upper arms

25-06-16, 15:49
I am just wondering if anybody could tell me what these pin prick red dots are on my skin? I went to the doctor who said they are down to dry skin but they aren't going away and I'm really worried as I am a hyohondriac. My grandfather is covered in them! I would be great full for help.:)

25-06-16, 16:33
I can't really see anything significant from your photo. Doesn't look like anthing serious is going on.
You can get a rash from the sun.
You can get little tiny bumps on your arms which could be due to vitamin deficiency.

25-06-16, 17:18
Hello thank you so much for your reply :)
I have attached another photograph as my pictures don't seem to be uploading the full photo on here@
Hopefully it is just the sun then :)

25-06-16, 17:33
I also should add I have had them around 6 months x

26-06-16, 17:06
I am smothered in them.

Have been for years and years. GP said they are nothing to worry about at all.

26-06-16, 17:14
Thank you so much! I get worried because google says it is petechiae and that scares me! They don't seem to be going and there are a few coming up on my legs unless I have never noticed them before!

26-06-16, 22:22
I've got millions of these. I've had them for years, it's just a normal pigmentation thing.

26-06-16, 23:53
Petechiae isn't always harmful. Yours doesn't appear to be petechiae because they appear to be raised (at least it looks that way). Also, if you press on them and they lighten or disappear, they are not petechiae.

I got a bunch of little red bumps on me a few months ago. Doctor and derm both had no clue. I was terrified. I don't handle new red bumps well. :) But they mostly went away and the few I have/get now don't concern me as much before.

27-06-16, 13:16
Thanks so much guys:) it's horrible worrying about things, especially when google always says your dying of something! I will upload a better quality picture. It's nice to know I'm not the only one :)

27-06-16, 13:22
With respect, what will more pics prove? Your arm looks totally normal IMO and I'm not seeing what you're seeing as a threat in any way, shape or form. People's complexions are as unique as their fingerprints and Dr. Google will tell you that a freckle is cancer for goodness sakes ;)

Positive thoughts

27-06-16, 15:47
My hyohondria has just got really severe since my daughter was born I'm going a bit over the top with it I'm sorry! Thank you all for your support :)

27-06-16, 15:59
No need to apologize at all! Just a little reality check is all! You're fine... really :)

Positive thoughts

27-06-16, 17:33
Your absolutely right:)