View Full Version : Just a thought

25-06-16, 22:28
Hi guys

Just a thought and thought id ask on here to see how it is with yous.

Moving house, is there a connection to anxiety?

In the last 5 years i have moved house 5 times. I dont settle in a place long, our current house weve not even been in for a year and i want to move!!! (Wont be any time soon due to finances) I dont know what it is, i just dont seem to settle. First move was into my first flat (alot of bad memories there from an abusive relationship), second was back to my mums, third was to my second flat (i LOVED that flat but unfortunently my lil ones dad (not involved) knew where we were and kept threatning to come to my door durinflg the night) so move num 4 was for saftey reasons to flat num 4, i hated this place, never settled, never felt like mine, felt very closed in, neighbours next door up staors and across the close and the invasion of ants from april til sept every year prompted move num 5. I dont mind where we are now but can feel my feet getting itchy so to speak, i dont know if its an anxiety thing or i just dont settle haha

What about you guys?? Do you move frequently?

Ps apologies if posted in wrong place! Xx

25-06-16, 22:30
Oh yes! I've been in the same house for like 12 years now and could never imagine even thinking about moving!

25-06-16, 23:11
Oh gosh i take my hat off to you!! I struggle after 12 months!!haha!! Longest ive lived in my own house (not my mums) has been about 15/16 months!! Shocking hahaxx