View Full Version : Pains Pains !!!

17-03-07, 03:06
Does anyone feel as terrible as I do?
I get these awful pains just under my left breast and my upper back hurts. For the last few days my jaw as been aching. My arms hurt and sometimes feel heavy.
How can anxiety do this to you and I wish all the signs weren't also a sign of a heart attack I am sure I am dying from one.
I have had all the tests done to check my heart minus a stress test. And everything is fine. All my blood work is fine. My bp is normal. I am a bi over weight and I am sure that's what is going to give me heart attack.
Oh I also have a stiff neck.

Please Help me relax :(

17-03-07, 03:25
Hi Hun -
I have had all the same pains and all the test to make sure it wasn't my heart. Everything always came out normal!!! I was sure I had some undiagnosed disease that was making me feel so achy all the time. I used to get the aweful pain under my breast too (like at the top part of my ribcage).
All I can say is that since I have come to the realization that it's anxiety and not some other ailment and started working on relaxation and breathing right and cut out most caffiene that alot of the stiffness and aches and pains have (for the most part) gone away.
I believe that I was so tense waiting for the next bad thing to happen (the big what if part of my personality) that I held all that tension in my neck,back,and even my jaws. I used to notice that I even clenched my teeth when I slept and would wake with aweful pain in my jaws.
Try some deep breathing and a hot bath before bed to relax some of those muscles.
I'm sorry that you are feeling so poorly right now:hugs:
Hope you feel better real soon!!!!!