View Full Version : Feeling trapped

25-06-16, 23:37
I have these horrible thoughts like- what if I was scared of skin? I'm covered in it and I can't escape myself
Also what if I didn't want to feel my beating heart it's always there always beating!!!

Please help me why am I thinking like this? My anxiety is through the roof with these thoughts I get so scared I want to call an ambulance

Make it stop. I can't escape myself I'm always there.

05-07-16, 00:52
First off, you are fine, you are alive, you are here and you do not need to escape yourself.
I know these thoughts are probably absolutely terrifying but try to remember that your body is not something to be scared of, you hearing your heart beating is a sign that you are still breathing. Your skin is your body protecting you.

What is happening is your brain is beginning to question every small possibility, every possible fear that you could have. Brain's are complicated and there isn't much explanation to why anxiety or OCD or any disorders occur.

You are not alone, and you don't need to escape yourself. I know the feeling of being trapped and out of control and its really terrifying, remember to breath and clear your mind if you can.

Have you thought of going to visit a doctor? or talking to someone about this?

16-07-16, 00:27
I have similar thoughts but more about social events or being stuck in traffic jams. It's such a horrifying feeling that fighting off the panic doesn't always work. I'm meeting with a doctor for the first time on Tuesday and that has me a wreck. Hopefully your panic has subsided a little!