View Full Version : Anyone with silent reflux?

26-06-16, 13:47
Just wondering if there are any fellow silent refluxers here? Mine started over two years ago when pregnant, although I think now it was probably longer. To top that during my pregnancies I had horrific sickness so ended up damaging my throat, am on omeprazole which helps, but spent ones have bouts where I guess it's the foods I eat, I've noticed Diet Coke triggers it too.
What foods have you found to be an issue? Do you have any side effects?

26-06-16, 14:17
Coke, bread, chocolate, porridge, pastry, cakes, anything contains baking powder. All the nice stuff ��

dizzy daisy
26-06-16, 15:32
Mines not silent but I'm suffering with acid reflux right now.
See my post.
It's awful, I sympathise with you xxx

26-06-16, 19:06
Hi - Yes I dealt it for years. I too took omeprazole - for 15 years! My doctor put me on it indefinitely. Another specialist told me to stop taking it. He said only take it if I have reflux. He thought it was nuts to be on it so long. And recent research has said don't be on it for long periods. But what has helped me more than anything is elevating the head of my bed about 4 inches. That has worked wonders for me.

Only problem is every once in awhile the bride slides out the end onto the floor:D
