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View Full Version : propranalol and adrenaline

26-06-16, 18:34
I take 20mg proranalol twice a day to stop panic attacks. I,ve had 4 months bad anxiety and stress and now feel that although propranalol helps to prevent palpitations it is not really stopping many other symptoms ( except for severe over breathing) . It doesn't seem to help with muscle tension and pain symptoms or with fear etc. I feel extremely tense all the time , with other anxiety symptoms of nausea, insomnia, twitching etc.
Does anyone know if it can still let adrenaline through to cause these symptoms, while helping to stop adrenaline effects on heart and breathing. Tried to research this but can,t find clear answers.

At the moment just tiny things that wouldn't norm ally stress me out are giving me bad anxiety symptoms, e.g. Watching something a nit tense on telly. I can,t stand any slightly tense situation, could this be due to constant adrenaline overload? I get severely agitated, sometimes for hours on end each day. I feel like I,m going to explode. I,ve been trying relaxation but I,m so tense I can,t even get through a basic relaxation exercise.

26-06-16, 19:18
Propranolol doesn't stop adrenaline production, it just blocks your heart from responding to the adrenaline so much.

It won't really have any effect on how you feel at all in my experience, unless your anxiety is based on your heart rate.