View Full Version : I'm angry and I want to cry

27-06-16, 03:32
Some days, for no reason (at least to my knowledge) I get this burning, angry feeling. Like I can literally feel my body heating up and I just get so angry and frustrated. Other days, Out of nowhere I get a really strong urge to cry. My lip will quiver and my eyes will start to water. It's all so weird and I don't understand it.
Anyone else go through this or at least understand?

27-06-16, 05:25
I don't have this, it's all anxiety for me. Just wondering if it could be hormone related?

27-06-16, 05:31
The first part I can say I've had. Mine only started due to the med I am on. I think it's too much adrenaline in my case.

Anxiety is known to cause anger & frustration. I've had outbursts and uncharacteristic rants at people years ago but as my recovery progressed I found this settled.

27-06-16, 06:10
Anxiety = Adrenaline = Fight or Flight response.

Your body is choosing Fight.

28-06-16, 02:35
I never thought of hormones, and I did think of anxiety, but I wondered if there was more to it. I didn't know anxiety could cause so much trouble.