View Full Version : Very short headaches, anyone?

27-06-16, 05:29
Every now and then I get a very quick headache that disappears nearly as soon as it begins. It seems my headaches have always been like this for as long as I can remember. I had one last night that was on top of my head on the right side, lasted probably about three-five seconds. I just had another one on that was about one second on my left temple. It hurt a bit but I wouldn't call it a knife-like pain. Just wondering if these kinds of headaches are common? I'll also add that I am farsighted and don't usually wear my glasses unless I need to read, and I went a whole week without wearing them, and started wearing them again last night. But I did have two headaches the week I didn't wear them, but there were in the center of the back of my head they aren't debilitating in any way as they don't happen too often and are usually very brief, they're just a little frightening when they do happen since it's a very sudden jolt of pain. Sometimes I'll get them in little sets, where I'll have one then another a few minutes later, but usually don't get more than two or three at the most, but most occasions it's only one. Anyone else have this?
Should I be concerned? Is there anything I can do to stop them from happening?

27-06-16, 20:09

27-06-16, 20:28
I wouldn't consider that to be a "headache" at all tbh. I get stuff like that all the time all over my body. I call them twinges or stabbies. It's just a rouge nerve firing off.

Positive thoughts

Gary A
28-06-16, 00:29
These sound like ice pick headaches. These are quite common and don't really have much of an explanation behind them. It's actually quite pointless going to a doctor with them as you'll most likely be told that there isn't any type of medication or pain relief that is effective against such a short lived symptom.

Best advice I can give you is to simply ignore them as much as you can. They're a nuisance, but not at all anything you should concern yourself with.

28-06-16, 07:14
Can dehydration cause them? We ran out of bottled water and our tap water is disgusting. So I only had one bottle of water the day before and the last bit of a gallon jug yesterday. One glass. Got more today and haven't had one yet. Been drinking more trying to catch up.