View Full Version : Having PA right now :(

27-06-16, 09:15
I am having a panic attack right now in the middle of the night. I usually talk to my hubby to get through them but he's asleep. I am scared and alone. I have been having stomach issues for a while and before bed I felt chest pressure. No pain and it didn't feel like it was in the heart area, it felt like relux a bit but without the burning. Well, I fell asleep for maybe half an hour after staying up as long as I could for fear of an attack and then woke up with more intense pressure. I got up and ate an antacid and burped quite a few times but the gross feeling is still there and it's making me freak out that there's something wrong with my heart. I am an otherwise healthy 32-year-old and am a healthy weight so this is unlikely (at least I keep trying to tell myself that). Can anyone talk me down? Help!

27-06-16, 09:31
OK. It sounds like your acid reflux has kicked this off.
You are best to sit up for a while, even another room if you can.
Get yourself a glass of water, just sip, not gulp, have your phone near you so you feel safe and just calm your body with gentle breathing through the nose.
Put the TV on to distract and use you thumb to gentle make circles in the palms of your hands. (This is a stress point and that will help you calm down).
Then when you feel like you can go back to your bed.
Don't lay on your back, that will set the acid off again.
Curl up on you side and gently stroke your stomach in a circle fashion, this will ease it. x

27-06-16, 09:33
I don't know what to say except it WILL pass. You have someone with you, even though he's asleep, so that should help a little? I live alone so the panics are made worse by that.

You've said yourself you are healthy so need not worry. Anxiety can make your heart feel all kinds of weird.

Deep, slow breaths!