View Full Version : Should I see a doctor about these still worried :(

27-06-16, 11:33

So I posted here about bowel issue I think about 4 weeks or maybe a bit longer ago now and I went back to the Doctors and she said the same tbh stress maybe ibs and anxiety it's sort of got better I'd say been once today so far and that's it although I was a little constipated have been since 1 week friday but its hardened up and the feeling of that weird sensation has gone. I still feel like I haven't completed when i went earlier on though but i do think there is more in there. I'm trying to calm down on the toilet i was so anxious before a bm and during incase something happens or it doesn't come out right so I don't know If i'm tensing up on the toilet or something. I've now implied a rule I will flush before I even turn around and not even look. Last friday I had an urge and just passed a bit of clearish mucus no stool I've had this in the past though for years although it still concerns me to this day.

Second fear Lymphoma

Yesterday I'm not sure if it's been here for years i thought before it was part of my neck but just under my chin i think it might be the submental lymphnode unless I'm feeling a part of my neck that should be there. It's quite hard painless and immobile slightly bigger than a pea I'm pretty sure it's immobile I don't know if it moves or my skin just moving over the top of it sad this has me terrified.

Slight pimple type bump in top of left testicle or in the epidiymis.

About 2-3 weeks ago now when i was showeing at the top of my left testicle it feels like there's a soft squidgy moveable pimple thing at the very top. The weird thing is when I lie down it feels like a vein and sometimes it's hard to find so it might move a bit or be in the scrotum it self. I might have had this years aswell not too sure my head is just gone atm. Anyway when i did have a shower yesterday i checked again and i think it is in the epidiymis or around that area because I pushed on it and my fingers on the lump were right at the top away from the testicle structure it self but it still scares me.

I have a pea sized one on my right epidiymis that I've had ooh for about 5-6 years now gotta be maybe even longer than that which is stupidly never got it checked out. Also if you had some shrinkage in your left testicle would it be very obvious from the outside as in you'd see saggy skin? or am i being paranoid at this point?

I've just felt terrible for the last nearly 3 months now so scared, alone and even if it does get better a little and subsides. I'm really worried that one day one of the above things is going to be the death of me and come back and hit me later on.

Also not sure if this is more of a sympton of depression but atm I'm having terrible intrusive thoughts like wishing above on my aswell and other bad things :( I just don't know what to do anymore

27-06-16, 12:02

If you worried please see your GP, I been through the testicle fear and have been referred to the hospital last month because the gp thought he felt a lump, he did right to refer me even though the ultrasound showed the lump turned out to by some small cysts referring to the epididymis, no other concerns were seen and nothing needs to be done at this stage. The specialist and tech guy could not even feel the lump.
I still have this testicular cancer fear and forever checking which I know is bad.

Also in 2012 when through the poop problem, after all the tests and scans all what was found was a small pouch which is fairly common 2.5% of the uk has this problem what the specialist told me and is not serious and may or may not keyhole to correct the problem. I agree about not checking all the time, I still do it but it just a habit for me.

27-06-16, 12:13
It hasn't grown or hurts the bowel issue id say is slowly getting there it's just incomplete evac now I need to drink more fluids I think In the day I bateky drink anything :(

Also having slight social anxiety doesn't help I have hardly any friends I speak to so I'm dealing with this alone which makes it 100 x harder :(

27-06-16, 14:07
See a doctor. These issues are serious and not something you wanna wait around on. Go today.

28-06-16, 01:54
I'm sorry you're struggling with this. :hugs:

I know in the UK your health care system works *totally* different than ours, but is your doctor just writing you off with your anxiety or did s/he actually offer to HELP you?

I think it's so sad to hear stories of people struggling and they see their doctors and their doctors just say, "it's 'just' anxiety, move along please" and that's the end of it.

Perhaps I just got really lucky when I went to see my doc about anxiety/depression but he helped me to find a psych and medication that I really needed. That was about 3-4 months ago and I already feel better...there are still setbacks but I can get out of bed and I don't freak/panic like I used to do and I am forever grateful for him.

Anyway, I digress.

I am not a doctor so I can't say if your issues are 'serious' but statistically, everything you've mentioned is probably ultimately harmless but bears at least a check up as long as you are willing to actually believe what the doctor says.

Would it be possible to go in with a list of concerns, and tell your doctor that these are the health issues that are troubling you and you'd like him/her to take a look? If s/he brushes it off as "just" anxiety, could you then push further, and tell him/her that you are struggling badly and you need HELP, either for your perceived health fears or your anxiety/depression.
