View Full Version : Panicking over college new Sutdents day

Dan Wales
27-06-16, 15:53
I finally plucked up the courage to go back to college, and tomorrow is new students day where we get to meet our tutors and others who will be on the course. But I have been panicking about it all day. I don't want panic to ruin my life again.

27-06-16, 20:23
Try to visualise yourself going in feeling confident and with everything going well. There will probably be so much to take in that you won't have time to panic. If you do, just tell yourself it is only a feeling, it is not dangerous, and although it is unpleasant it will pass. You can do it!
Have you told the college about your anxiety? It might help to have someone there who knows what you're going through so they can support you. You won't be the only one who has panic attacks.
Hope it goes well x