View Full Version : Mental panic attack for no reason?

27-06-16, 15:55
I woke up this morning and felt like I was literally going to lose my mind. It felt like I couldnt think rationally at all. Kept having scary negative thoughts forced into my head that evoked immediate dread. I kept telling myself that the thoughts didnt mean anything and that it was just anxiety, but it felt like I didnt have any control of those other thoughts, like I couldnt put a dent in them. I honestly had this intense feeling that I was going to lose my mind and nothing made sense, it felt like I was in this weird uncontrollable panic fog. When this happens it feels like I cant think and my thoughts arent my own.

Is this normal anxiety/panic, or should I be seen by a neurologist or something? I had no physical symptoms of anxiety that I noticed, which made it even more terrifying, because it was all mental.

Im also taking 150mg of Sertraline for about 10 days now after increasing my dose, been on Sert for about 9 weeks total.

27-06-16, 19:21
I feel like that often, and I'm pleased to report that, after 15 years of suffering from anxiety, I'm still here. :)
Your mind is just on overdrive; you're not about to lose it. Anxiety can't possibly drive you insane. In case you are really worried about your physical health, I'd advise seeing a neurologist (I've done the same) just to put your mind at ease.
I really wish the best for you. :flowers:

27-06-16, 20:58
I feel like that often, and I'm pleased to report that, after 15 years of suffering from anxiety, I'm still here. :)
Your mind is just on overdrive; you're not about to lose it. Anxiety can't possibly drive you insane. In case you are really worried about your physical health, I'd advise seeing a neurologist (I've done the same) just to put your mind at ease.
I really wish the best for you. :flowers:

Thank you for the reassurance, Ana. Do you currently take anything for your anxiety?

28-06-16, 13:28
I'm currently coming off medication. I've been taking medication for 13 years, but have been withdrawing Rivotril since May this year. In less than a month, I'll be medication-free.
I know it's difficult, but try and find moments of calm when you can be rational, and reason with yourself. You're not alone; anxiety is terrible, but at the end of the day, it's not lethal. I've had some really tough times, but I function on a daily basis. It's all about small steps, and taking one day at a time. :)

01-07-16, 02:11
I'm totally the opposite of you right now. Trying to find a medication that will help with the anxiety and get me out of this constant fight or flight state that I'm in. Can't seem to find a medication that agrees with me, though.

01-07-16, 10:04
I hope you find medication that works for you. Rivotril really worked for me, but it's time to leave it behind now. I used to be on Xanax SR. Worked nicely for me.

01-07-16, 11:56
My attacks are all physical it seems but I can relate to the feeling of losing your mind in the sense I feel like I am going to completely lose control of my body which is terrifying when driving!

Ana, that's a long time to be on benzos so well done for coming off and I hope it goes smoothly for you. I've been on diazepam only a few months but seem to have hit a relapse halfway through my taper so am staying at a small dose while I try other meds. It's so upsetting they don't work anymore :(

01-07-16, 13:40
My anxiety used to be all physical. Im not sure what happened to cause it to change. I still get physical symptoms here and there, IBS issues, sweating, tight chest and mild labored breathing, fast heartrate, etc. For whatever reason the mental stuff just scares me more.

01-07-16, 14:36
I've been having a mixture of both. Mind starts racing with just random thoughts and feel short of breath which makes me panic even more. It's terrible that we feel this way. How can we get our minds to slow down and stop constantly racing?

02-07-16, 16:23
Shaz, it sure is a long time! I've had some rough times with the withdrawal, but I've got only one drop to go (I' currently on one quarter of a tablet, i.e. practically nothing), and then I'm free of the medication.
As for how to slow the mind down...I wish I knew. The mind holds all the answers, doesn't it? You'd think they'd be a little more accessible seeing as it's our minds they're in! :wacko: