View Full Version : Feel like worlds worst mum

27-06-16, 23:22
Hi all

Im having a rubbish day. Been feeling really run down and bad flare of anxiety (no excuse) and my little girl was in one of them moods today where didnt matter what i said she wouldnt listen. I was being the shouty mum and really snappy with her today. Feel awful :(

Im now sitting here worried that someone will have reported me to social (stupid i know) and think im the worst mummy! Im like what if people think my girl gets shouted at all the time, that im shitty mum, all the usual stuff.

Feel like the crappiest mummy in the world :( :(

28-06-16, 00:07
Been there. Don't beat yourself up about it. You know what they say - having kids is the hardest job you'll ever love! My son and I used to knock heads quite frequently (not literally of course) and it was a struggle to not always be yelling at him some days. Then I'd feel awful after he went to bed. Having anxiety on top is very hard. Hope tomorrow goes better for you :)

28-06-16, 00:14
If every parent who had a rough day with a child got reported to social then we all would be in trouble. Totally normal. You're a good mom.:)


28-06-16, 00:24
Thanks guys. I just hate the way it makes you feel. Lying watching the little angel sleep and thinking god help me when shes a teenager �� I know im being daft but it feels so real at the same time if that makes sense xx

28-06-16, 00:30
...nobody loves you like your mom...

28-06-16, 07:27
Every mum feels like this, give her plenty of cuddles and bake cakes today.

28-06-16, 11:52
Aw, bless! I'm sure she loves you regardless of the once off shouting, you are not a terrible mother, you are feeling guilty and remorseful, that says it all! Chin up hun!

Yeah, I agree. Here we have someone worried that she has upset her daughter. Sounds like a typical good mum to me.

My mum shouted at me plenty as a child and despite how I felt at the time, I never doubted she was anything other than the same mum who loved me all my life. It was just discipline and we need it.

Kids forget minutes later. I bet she wakes up and things are as they normally are. :hugs:

28-06-16, 13:54
We all have our ups and downs. But you gave her life and brought her up for many years, some snappy remarks are not going to nullify it.

28-06-16, 14:58
Thanks guys. Had lots of cuddles this morning before i came to work and will be having lots before bed aswell. I just wish this anxiety would all do one!!! Xx

29-06-16, 12:39
Hi , the fact it upsets you that you have shouted at your daughter means you are definitely not a bad mum , bad parents don't give crap when they've upset their kids or are not looking after them , I'm in my forties now and still love my mum and she was a good mum to me and my brother but at times she probably wanted to kill us I'd torment him at every opertunity she once threw a glass full of drink at us mid argument it scared the hell out of us , somtimes kids need shouting at or they walk all over you , you're a good mum I'm sure , take care .

30-06-16, 05:14
You see?! We are too hard on ourselves.

You can work on how to deal with the rise in tension and how you respond. But also try to be reasonable about what it means because we tend to think we have committed some massive offence and kick ourselves.

The true measure is in the cuddles you had. She's happy.