View Full Version : Constant checking of tonsil stones

28-06-16, 21:35
So I have the pleasure of getting tonsil stones. Never knew what they were until a few days ago. So the doctor removed one, and I of course had to check and I saw more and removed them. Now I am obsessed with checking, and poking and trying to remove them. It is so irrational. Even if I find one, it is a tonsil stone, not tonsil cancer. It is like I have this mysterious pull to the mirror with my flashlight that I can't control. Any suggestions? I really need help to overcome this.

05-07-16, 14:12
Hi there,

I had this exact problem about 7 years ago in my early 20s. I saw a specialist and he confirmed tonsil stones (I also had frequent sore throats etc). He offered surgery, but I was too scared to go through with it initially. Anyway, yes, I too became obsessed with the them! Almost like when you have a spot or something and you just HAVE to pick it (sorry if that's gross). However, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that it is NOT a good idea to do this. You can risk further infection, scarring, bleeding etc etc... All I would say is that if you have 'played around', always gargle with a strong mouthwash or something like TCP to clean it afterwards.

It sounds to me like the obsession is more the problem here rather than the actual stones (and coming from a previous sufferer of BDD and OCD I totally get it). It is, I'm afraid, all about resisting those urges. When you feel like checking, just hold off my 2 minutes, or even just 30 seconds. When that has passed and you feel ok, just try an extra 2 minutes etc... Alternately, limit it to twice a day, then once a day. The aim ultimately is to not check. It is amazing how your mind does start to forget about checking when you have trained it to do so. Whilst this is going on, continue to use the mouthwash to help the stones anyway, and try to distract yourself with lots of things... Reading, walking the dog, stroking the cat, cleaning out the fridge... You know what I mean. Trust me, you don't want to keep poking around in your throat. It is pretty dangerous.

By the way, I eventually opted for surgery (tonsillectomy) as my throat was almost constantly sore due to the stones and/or infection. You don't have to do this by any means, but I'm so pleased I did. I never have any problems now with stones.

Good luck xxx