View Full Version : Weird feeling in left side

29-06-16, 00:34
So I've been really good about not obsessing over little things but I can't seem to overcome this one.

It all started about three months ago when a friend of mine's son was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. There was a tumor attacked to one of his kidneys I believe, a pretty big one. They said they discovered it why rubbing his belly, said the felt something hard.

Well anyway after reading that I immediately started pushing on my abdomen trying see if I could feel anything out of place. I didn't but continued to obsessively check it, mostly on my right side for some reason.

Anyway since then it seems like I've felt like something is pulling inside my right side just below my rib cage. And when I say below, i mean externally below, not underneath the ribs inside. It almost feels like a very slight cramp, as sometimes it does hurt. This discomfort extends to my lower righ back sometimes as well.

I don't seem to notice it when I'm busy or at my boyfriends house. Which really leads me to believe it's all in my head, but as a HA sufferer I still can't put out of my mind that it could be a tumor moving around in there or I've kidney or gallstones. I'm hoping it's just me subconsciously tensing up there because of anxiety and nothing more. If ten find myself rubbing my lower back just to the right of my spine.

So does this sound like anxiety? And are the symptoms of my other fears completely different or present themselves with much more intense symptoms?

29-06-16, 10:48
How many times a day do you either rub your back or rub your abdomen on that side? Any repeat action will cause stress to all sorts of muscles and so the circle continues.
I have severe spinal problems with discs and I get alot of pain and muscle tightness in my abdomen, round my ribs right into centre of chest all from annoyed muscles. i can say without any doubt that any issue with your spine can give referred symptoms a long way from your back!
Try to stop any rubbing anywhere for 7 days and then see if you still feel the same, until you do this you really cannot whats going on.